I want to get only the directed path between two nodes in directed G using networkx.

Currently, I am doing this:

nx.bidirectional_dijkstra(G,u, v) #u and v are some nodes in G

This will return a path even if edges list of G only have following entries


My goal is to get the directed path only. Is there a way in networkx to do it?

1 Answer 1


When you do


you end up with an undirected graph. Thus the edge (u,w) is an undirected edge --- there is no difference between (u,w) and (w,u). It doesn't make sense to talk about a "directed path".

I believe you want the graph to be directed, and that is what your True argument at the end is. But because of the order that nx.fast_gnp_random_graph takes its optional arguments, this isn't what you're doing. Instead you should say

G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(NUMBER_OF_NODES, PROB_OF_EDGE, directed=True)

(and as a note, I think generally capital letters are frowned upon in python code).

  • Thanks. This code snippet is a part of a larger code and I am using the capital letters to represent global variable :) Commented Apr 23, 2017 at 2:48

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