So the title may not be very explicit about what I'm looking for, but basically I have this code:

echo python %2 "%1" >> activate_wrapper.bat

This code is inside a .bat file and it's purpose is to build another .bat file that will run a python script. Thing is I don't want to write the value of %1 to activate_wrapper.bat, I want to write the string "%1".

Expected line in activate_wrapper.bat:

python secondArg %1

What am I getting:

python secondArg "firstArg"

Thanks in advance guys.


echo python %2 %%1 >> activate_wrapper.bat
  • Have you tried %%1 ?
    – Neil
    Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 10:36

1 Answer 1


The computer cannot read your mind, it doesn't know you only want to expand one of the parameters!

You must escape the % to prevent expansion:

echo hello %2 "%%1" >> temp.txt
set something=whatever
echo hello %%something%% >> temp.txt

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