Given the following vector:

v = c("A/5 21171", "PC 175959", "STON/O2. 3101282", "113803", "373450")

How can extract the last 5 or 6 digits from each element? This the desired output:

v_processed = c("21171", "175959", "3101282", "113803", "373450")

My try:

v = unlist(strsplit(v, "^[^0-9]+"))
v[v == ""] = NA
v_processed = na.omit(v)

But that last snippet gives me this:

"5 21171"    "175959"     "2. 3101282" "113803"     "373450" 

I do not want that 5 in the first element, nor the "2." in the third one.


  • Wait, 3101282 is 7 digits. And try sub(".*?(\\d{5,6})$", "\\1", v) (if you want 101282 in fact, not 3101282) Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 8:07
  • You are right. 3101282 is 7 digits. Then I refer to the last bunch of digits, no matter they are 5, 6 or 7 Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 8:09

2 Answers 2


You may use

> sub(".*\\b(\\d+)$", "\\1", v)
[1] "21171"   "175959"  "3101282" "113803"  "373450" 

Here, .*\\b matches all the chars up to the last leading word boundary and grabs 1+ digits at the end of the string with (\\d+)$ into Group 1.

Or, if the digits are preceded with whitespace:

> sub(".*\\s(\\d+)$", "\\1", v)
[1] "21171"   "175959"  "3101282" "113803"  "373450" 

where .*\\s matches the string up to the last whitespace.

Alternatively, use a matching approach. Here is how you may extract 1+ digits (as a whole word) at the end of the string:

> regmatches(v, regexpr("\\b\\d+$", v))
[1] "21171"   "175959"  "3101282" "113803"  "373450"

Or extract them only if they are preceded with whitespace:

> regmatches(v, regexpr("(?<!\\S)\\d+$", v, perl=TRUE))
[1] "21171"   "175959"  "3101282" "113803"  "373450" 

Here, a PCRE regex (see perl=TRUE) is used to simplify the code. The (?<!\\S) is a negative lookbehind that makes sure there is no non-whitespace symbol immediately to the left of the current location.


We can use substring

substring(v, nchar(v)-c(4, 5, 6, 5, 5), nchar(v))
#[1] "21171"   "175959"  "3101282" "113803"  "373450"

Or with str_extract

str_extract(v, "\\d+$")
#[1] "21171"   "175959"  "3101282" "113803"  "373450" 

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