Github repo for reproducing problem Run localhost:3000 to trigger the problem.

I am using the node-celery npm packages on the server side of Meteor When Meteor starts, the client automatically calls the Meteor method estimates.request which triggers the server to sdd a task to queue:


Meteor.startup(() => {
    Meteor.call('estimates.request', function(err) {

which triggers the Meteor method:


    'estimates.request'() {
        console.log('estimates.request called');

        // Create Celery client
        var celery = require('node-celery')
        var client = celery.createClient({
            CELERY_BROKER_URL: 'amqp://',
            CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: 'amqp'

        // Queue task on connect
        client.on('connect', function() {
            start_latitude = 1.3053947
            start_longitude = 103.8273045
            client.call('proj.tasks.getPriceEstimates', [start_latitude, start_longitude],
                function(result) {
                    console.log('result: ', result);

the following error occurs:

Exception while invoking method 'estimates.request' TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null

Question: What is causing this error?

Github repo for reproducing problem Run localhost:3000 to trigger the problem.

1 Answer 1


I had the same issue and there's a mistake in the node celery documentation. The option CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND has a wrong entry.

You should set this option like this:

CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: 'amqp://' and it should work.

Celery reads an url and slices the protocol, so if you pass amqp celery throws an exception.

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