I have a set of video files that were copied from one AWS Bucket from another account to my account in my own bucket.
I'm running into a problem now with all of the files where i am receiving Access Denied errors when I try to make all of the files public.
Specifically, I login to my AWS account, go into S3, drill down through the folder structures to locate one of the videos files.
When I look at this specificfile, the permissions tab on the files does not show any permissions assigned to anyone. No users, groups, or system permissions have been assigned.
At the bottom of the Permissions tab, I see a small box that says "Error: Access Denied". I can't change anything about the file. I can't add meta-data. I can't add a user to the file. I cannot make the file Public.
Is there a way i can gain control of these files so that I can make them public? There are over 15,000 files / around 60GBs of files. I'd like to avoid downloading and reuploading all of the files.
With some assistance and suggestions from the folks here I have tried the following. I made a new folder in my bucket called "media".
I tried this command:
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/2014/09/17/thumb.jpg s3://mybucket/media --grants read=uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers full=emailaddress=my_aws_account_email_address
I receive a fatal error 403 when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden.