Given an aac audio byte array, convert to an mp3 audio in bytes. This is what I tried, but I this an exception

"Got a frame at sample rate 24000, in an MP3 with sample rate 16000. Mp3FileReader does not support sample rate changes"

  public static byte[] AacToMp3(byte[] aacAudioBytes)
        using (var aacStream = new MemoryStream(aacAudioBytes))
        using (var mp3stream = new MemoryStream())
        using (var reader = new Mp3FileReader(aacStream))// or I tried AudioFileReader/MediaFoundationReader
        using (var mp3Writer = new LameMP3FileWriter(mp3stream, reader.WaveFormat, LAMEPreset.ABR_32))
            return mp3stream.GetBuffer();

What am I missing?

  • 1
    Same problem here. I'll post an answer when I find one.
    – Ch3shire
    Nov 22, 2017 at 22:37


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