@FeignClient(name = "test", url="http://xxxx")
How can I change the feign URL (url="http://xxxx") during the runtime? because the URL can only be determined at run time.
You can add an unannotated URI parameter (that can potentially be determined at runtime) and that will be the base path that will be used for the request. E.g.:
@FeignClient(name = "dummy-name", url = "https://this-is-a-placeholder.com")
public interface MyClient {
@PostMapping(path = "/create")
UserDto createUser(URI baseUrl, @RequestBody UserDto userDto);
And then the usage will be:
private MyClient myClient;
URI determinedBasePathUri = URI.create("https://my-determined-host.com");
myClient.createUser(determinedBasePathUri, userDto);
This will send a POST
request to https://my-determined-host.com/create
Feign has a way to provide the dynamic URLs and endpoints at runtime.
The following steps have to be followed:
interface we have to remove the URL parameter. We have to use @RequestLine
annotation to mention the REST method (GET, PUT, POST, etc.):
public interface CustomerProfileAdaptor {
// @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/get_all")
public List<Customer> getAllCustomers(URI baseUri);
// @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.POST, value="/add")
public ResponseEntity<CustomerProfileResponse> addCustomer(URI baseUri, Customer customer);
public ResponseEntity<CustomerProfileResponse> deleteCustomer(URI baseUri, String mobile);
with the encoder, decoder.FeignClient
methods, provide the URI (BaserUrl + endpoint) along with rest call parameters if any.
public class FeignDemoController {
CustomerProfileAdaptor customerProfileAdaptor;
public FeignDemoController(Decoder decoder, Encoder encoder) {
customerProfileAdaptor = Feign.builder().encoder(encoder).decoder(decoder)
@RequestMapping(value = "/get_all", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<Customer> getAllCustomers() throws URISyntaxException {
return customerProfileAdaptor
.getAllCustomers(new URI("http://localhost:8090/customer-profile/get_all"));
@RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<CustomerProfileResponse> addCustomer(@RequestBody Customer customer)
throws URISyntaxException {
return customerProfileAdaptor
.addCustomer(new URI("http://localhost:8090/customer-profile/add"), customer);
@RequestMapping(value = "/delete", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<CustomerProfileResponse> deleteCustomer(@RequestBody String mobile)
throws URISyntaxException {
return customerProfileAdaptor
.deleteCustomer(new URI("http://localhost:8090/customer-profile/delete"), mobile);
or @ConfigurationProperties
? I cannot find how to do it.
Sep 16, 2019 at 10:38
use feign.Target.EmptyTarget
public BotRemoteClient botRemoteClient(){
return Feign.builder().target(Target.EmptyTarget.create(BotRemoteClient.class));
public interface BotRemoteClient {
@RequestLine("POST /message")
@Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
BotMessageRs sendMessage(URI url, BotMessageRq message);
botRemoteClient.sendMessage(new URI("http://google.com"), rq)
You can create the client manually:
class FooController {
private FooClient fooClient;
private FooClient adminClient;
public FooController(ResponseEntityDecoder decoder, SpringEncoder encoder, Client client) {
this.fooClient = Feign.builder().client(client)
.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("user", "user"))
.target(FooClient.class, "http://PROD-SVC");
this.adminClient = Feign.builder().client(client)
.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("admin", "admin"))
.target(FooClient.class, "http://PROD-SVC");
From documentation: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-netflix/multi/multi_spring-cloud-feign.html#_creating_feign_clients_manually
In interface you can change url by Spring annotations. The base URI is configured in yml Spring configuration.
name = "some.client",
url = "${some.serviceUrl:}",
configuration = FeignClientConfiguration.class
public interface SomeClient {
String search(@RequestBody SearchCriteria criteria);
StreamingResponseBody downloadFileById(@PathVariable("id") UUID id);
A simple way is to use Interceptor: RequestInterceptor
feign will replace the target url if you set target host in interceptor:
// source code of feign
Request targetRequest(RequestTemplate template) {
for (RequestInterceptor interceptor : requestInterceptors) {
return target.apply(template);
public Request apply(RequestTemplate input) {
if (input.url().indexOf("http") != 0) {
return input.request();
Custom you interceptor:
public class DynamicFeignUrlInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
if (isNotDynamicPath(template)) {
private boolean isNotDynamicPath(RequestTemplate template) {
// TODO Determine whether it is dynamic according to your logic
return false;
private String getHost() {
// use any host you want, host must be contained key word of 'http'
return "http://example.com";
The advantage of this is that if there is already a large amount of feign client code, it can be implemented without modifying the code.
Use @PathVariable like this:
@FeignClient(name = "otherservicename", decode404 = true)
public interface myService {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/basepath/{request-path}")
ResponseEntity<String> getResult(@RequestHeader("Authorization") String token,
@RequestBody HashMap<String, String> reqBody,
@PathVariable(value = "request-path") String requestPath);
Then from service, construct the dynamic url path and send the request:
String requestPath = "approve-req";
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = myService.getResult(
token, reqBody, requestPath);
Your request url will be at: "/basepath/approve-req"
Solution for spring-cloud-open-feign users and developers in the future:
This feature require spring-cloud-openfeign 4.x
if you can easily upgrade your spring-cloud-openfeign to 4.x
you can use FreshScope feature without change feignclient method:
the URL of Feign client, if defined with spring.cloud.openfeign.client.config.{feignName}.url
property, can be refreshed against any Feign client instance.
It is implemented since Make feign.Target.url refreshable
Official reference Supported Ways To Provide URL To A Feign Client
Spring interface Clients
spring-cloud-openfeign is treated as feature-complete.
we might migrate to Spring Interface Clients instead
I prefer to build feign client by configuration to pass a url at run time (in my case i get the url by service name from consul discovery service)
so i extend feign target class as below:
public class DynamicTarget<T> implements Target<T> {
private final CustomLoadBalancer loadBalancer;
private final String serviceId;
private final Class<T> type;
public DynamicTarget(String serviceId, Class<T> type, CustomLoadBalancer loadBalancer) {
this.loadBalancer = loadBalancer;
this.serviceId = serviceId;
this.type = type;
public Class<T> type() {
return type;
public String name() {
return serviceId;
public String url() {
return loadBalancer.getServiceUrl(name());
public Request apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
return requestTemplate.request();
var target = new DynamicTarget<>(Services.service_id, ExamsAdapter.class, loadBalancer);
package commxx;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import feign.Client;
import feign.Feign;
import feign.RequestLine;
import feign.Retryer;
import feign.Target;
import feign.codec.Encoder;
import feign.codec.Encoder.Default;
import feign.codec.StringDecoder;
public class FeignTest {
public interface someItfs {
String getx(URI baseUri);
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
String url = "http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=ddd"; //ok..
someItfs someItfs1 = Feign.builder()
// .logger(new FeignInfoLogger()) // 自定义日志类,继承 feign.Logger
// .logLevel(Logger.Level.BASIC)// 日志级别
// Default(long period, long maxPeriod, int maxAttempts)
.client(new Client.Default(null, null))// 默认 http
.retryer(new Retryer.Default(5000, 5000, 1))// 5s超时,仅1次重试
// .encoder(Encoder)
// .decoder(new StringDecoder())
// String url = "http://localhost:9104/";
System.out.println(someItfs1.getx(new URI(url)));