I am following the Udacity course where in Lesson 1 video 29. they talk about customizing the git bash and setting up workspace.
I did dig into how the .bash_profile should be edited and it almost works as I want it. Except I can't figure out how to add a new line in front of the command prompt $ sign.
TITLESTRING="Bash Prompt (Git for Windows) =>"
export PS1="$TITLE\n$GREEN\u@\h$MAGENTA\$(__git_ps1) $LIGHT_YELLOW\w $RESET\n$ "
When I put the \n before the last $ sign in order to make it appear in the next line, then I get this error message on starting git bash:
bash: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
bash: command substitution: line 1: `__git_ps1)'
When I don't have that \n in front of the last $ sign then all is good.
Please help me whit this.
.. just guessing.