I put a RangeSlider which is from QtQuick.Controls 2.x into a Component. I've bound its min.value to my model object, which is a subclass of QObject and has been exposed to QML context.

I can access it from QML using the name: "settings". The control is supposed to read settings in the Loader's onLoaded:{...} to initialize itself. I have a Binding-Object outside of the Loader to write back any changes of the min.value. But the control always set the settings' properties first, so I can not initialize it with settings's perperties.

Loader {
    id: loader
    sourceComponent: ctrl
    onLoaded: {
         loader.item.min = settings.min
Binding {
    target: settings
    property: "min"
    value: loader.item.min.value
Component {
    id: ctrl
    Item {
        property alias min: slider.first
        RangeSlider {
            id: slider

I want to assign loader.item.min.value (i.e. slider.first.value) the value of settings.min, but before this assignment happens, the settings.min is changed to slider.first.value. After the user set a new value, I want the settings.min to be set to slider.first.value.

Is there anybody know how to implement this correctly?

  • I will try to use setSource method of Loader : object setSource(url source, object properties)
    – Jas6033
    May 11, 2017 at 10:10

1 Answer 1


You can use the when-property of the the Binding-Object to deactivate the binding, until you have set the inital value. Set it initally to false, and change it to true in the first line of your onLoaded-handler

Also very interesting is the delayed-property. I can't guarantee you that this will work, but it might be an elegant solution. I have not tried it out yet.

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