Is there any order in which maven deploying artifacts? From what i see i can say that it uploads all artifacts and at last it updates maven-medata.xml files

http://localhost:8000/mavenrepository/test1/com/mypackage/mavenproject1/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml http://localhost:8000/mavenrepository/test1/com/mypackage/mavenproject1/maven-metadata.xml

Now is it guaranteed that maven always upload this 2 files at last, after uploading other artifacts?

1 Answer 1


Maven always deploys the artifact files in the same sequence. It usually looks something like this:

[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) @ hello-world ---
Downloading: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
Uploading: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/hello-world-1.0-20160430.031713-1.jar
Uploaded: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/hello-world-1.0-20160430.031713-1.jar (3 KB at 11.5 KB/sec)
Uploading: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/hello-world-1.0-20160430.031713-1.pom
Uploaded: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/hello-world-1.0-20160430.031713-1.pom (2 KB at 41.6 KB/sec)
Downloading: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/maven-metadata.xml
Uploading: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
Uploaded: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml (798 B at 21.1 KB/sec)
Uploading: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/maven-metadata.xml
Uploaded: http://localhost:48080/storages/storage0/snapshots/org/foo/examples/hello-world/maven-metadata.xml (312 B at 8.7 KB/sec)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

As you can see, the first thing it does is it attempts to resolve the maven-metadata.xml file at the artifact level in order to figure out, if this artifact has other versions and whether to generate a brand new maven-metadata.xml file, or update the existing one, (if there is such), with the new version that it's deploying. The maven-metadata.xml file is always generated, or updated at the very end of the deployment.

There are three levels at which maven-metadata.xml files can be located:

  • Artifact level : This at the groupId/artifactId level, (for example, if your groupId is org.foo.examples and your artifactId is hello-world, the path will be org/foo/examples/hello-world/maven-metadata.xml). This is used for the management of base, or release versions.
  • Version level : This at the groupId/artifactId/version level, (for example, if your groupId is org.foo.examples and your artifactId is hello-world and version is 1.0-SNAPSHOT, the path will be org/foo/examples/hello-world/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml). This is used for the management of timestamped snapshots.
  • Plugin group level : This is at the plugin's groupId level and is used for the management of different plugins under the same plugin group.

For a very detailed explanation of how Maven metadata works, have a look at this article I've put together.

  • 1
    Noticed the same thing as you mentioned . But I also observed a strange thing.When deploying source and java docs along with jar.maven-metadata.xml file is updated multiple times .Once for pom.xml and jar.xml , then once after source-jar is uploaded,and then once again when java docs is updated. But the maven-metadata.xml at package level/artifact level is updated only once after the jar pom and version level maven-metadata.xml is updated. In this case version level maven-metadata.xml is updated 2 more times after the packagelevel maven-metadata.xml is updated.Your thought?
    – user93796
    May 12, 2017 at 18:40
  • If your project produces several sub-artifacts, such as javadocs, sources and so on, these will all be added to the maven-metadata.xml file. The maven-metadata.xml file also includes your pom's GAV (groupId, artifactId, version) coordinate information as well, as this is considered a sub-artifact as well. So, for any project that produces a jar (and no other sub-artifacts), your maven-metadata.xml file will also include the details for your pom.xml. This is all, of course, if you're using the maven-deploy-plugin (which is the default behaviour).
    – carlspring
    May 12, 2017 at 18:47
  • I agree.My only concern is maven-metata.xml at package/artifact level is not the last file to be updated always as suggested by me in above comment.Do u agree?
    – user93796
    May 12, 2017 at 18:51
  • Try deploying an artifact and paste the whole output. The order i always the same.
    – carlspring
    May 12, 2017 at 18:55
  • 2
    Just curious. Was wondering how maven handles concurrent updates to same package version in repository at same time. Like 2 dev try to push same version of package in repository at same time.There is no transaction here.
    – user93796
    May 12, 2017 at 19:03

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