I'm experimenting with the Fuse iterator adapter and am getting unexpected results (Playground link):

fn main() {
    let mut i1 = (1..3).scan(1, |_, x| {
        if x < 2 { None } else { Some(x) }
    println!("{:?}", i1.next());
    println!("{:?}", i1.next());
    println!("{:?}", i1.next());

    let mut i2 = (1..3).scan(1, |_, x| {
        if x < 2 { None } else { Some(x) }
    println!("{:?}", i2.next());
    println!("{:?}", i2.next()); // This should print None
    println!("{:?}", i2.next());

Which prints:



Iterator i1 is returning what I expect. It returns None, then Some(2), then None. i2 is the same iterator adapted with fuse(). Fuse should make it return None after the first None, and since the first value it returns is None that should be the only value it returns. However, it behaves the same as i1. What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


TL;DR Summary: This was a bug and is fixed in Rust 1.19 and newer.

I'm pretty sure you are doing nothing wrong. This appears to be either a bug (my guess) or a very confusing interaction. Check out this expanded example:


fn dump<I: Iterator<Item = i32>>(label: &str, mut iter: I) {
    println!("= Running: {}", label);
    for _ in 0..10 {
        println!("{:?}", iter.next());

fn boxed_internal_fuse() -> Box<Iterator<Item = i32>> {
        .scan(1, |_, x| if x < 2 { None } else { Some(x) })

fn boxed_no_fuse() -> Box<Iterator<Item = i32>> {
        .scan(1, |_, x| if x < 2 { None } else { Some(x) }))

use std::iter::FusedIterator;
fn boxed_no_fuse_but_fused() -> Box<FusedIterator<Item = i32>> {
        .scan(1, |_, x| if x < 2 { None } else { Some(x) }))

fn main() {
    let i1 = (1..3)
        .scan(1, |_, x| if x < 2 { None } else { Some(x) });
    dump("Scan", i1);
    let i2 = (1..3)
        .scan(1, |_, x| if x < 2 { None } else { Some(x) })
    dump("Fuse<Scan>", i2);
    dump("Box<Fuse<Scan>>", boxed_internal_fuse());
    dump("Fuse<Box<Iterator>>", boxed_no_fuse().fuse()); // All `None`s
    dump("Fuse<Box<FusedIterator>>", boxed_no_fuse_but_fused().fuse());

The trick is that FusedIterator is a unstable trait that is aimed at improving the efficiency. It lets Iterator::fuse know that it's a no-op.

However, in this case, the conditions are necessary but not sufficient:

impl<B, I, St, F> FusedIterator for Scan<I, St, F>
    where I: FusedIterator, F: FnMut(&mut St, I::Item) -> Option<B> {}

It's true that if the underlying iterator is FusedIterator and starts returning None, scan will keep returning None. However, that's not the only way to get None — the closure can also return None!

  • I've opened issue 41964, let's see what happens.
    – Shepmaster
    May 12, 2017 at 23:14
  • 1
    I thought it had to be a bug, but wasn't aware of this sort of trait specialization magic, so was stuck looking at the code for Fuse itself which looked fine. Interestingly, the only other Rust question I've asked also turned out to be a bug discovery. May 12, 2017 at 23:15
  • @wingedsubmariner you've asked two others, and counting bugs before Rust 1.0 is practically cheating ^_^
    – Shepmaster
    May 12, 2017 at 23:22
  • Ah you're right, not sure how I didn't find that one. ^_^ May 12, 2017 at 23:26
  • Summary: This was a bug and is fixed in Rust 1.19 and newer. Jul 25, 2020 at 14:38

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