I am using signalr 2.2.2 in an MVC application. Everything works ok apart from the fact, that every time the application navigates to another page a console error in the following form is shown:

XML Parsing Error: no root element found
Location: http://localhost/signalr/abort?transport=serverSentEvents&clientProtocol=1.5&connectionToken=2elX1XZHXH0xmQaLZKyHUFW5Z2rb2DGRYEI...

This only happens in firefox. Does anybody know how to fix this? Thanks

1 Answer 1


It might be related to known Firefox-884693 issue. Based on some research (here and here), and searching through SignalR code, a fix would be to assign Content-Type before response is sent back. So following files might have to be changed.

// src/Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core/PersistentConnection.cs
private static Task FailResponse(IResponse response, string message, int statusCode = 400)
    response.StatusCode = statusCode;
    // response.ContentType = "text/plain";  // <--- ADD THIS LINE
    return response.End(message);

// src/Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core/Transports/WebSocketTransport.cs
private Task AcceptWebSocketRequest(Func<IWebSocket, Task> callback)
    var accept = _context.Environment.Get<Action<IDictionary<string, object>, WebSocketFunc>>(OwinConstants.WebSocketAccept);

    if (accept == null)
        // Bad Request
        _context.Response.StatusCode = 400;
        // _context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";  // <--- ADD THIS LINE
        return _context.Response.End(Resources.Error_NotWebSocketRequest);

    Action<IWebSocket> prepareWebSocket = socket => {
        _socket = socket;
        socket.OnClose = _closed;
        socket.OnMessage = _message;
        socket.OnError = _error;

    var handler = new OwinWebSocketHandler(callback, prepareWebSocket, _maxIncomingMessageSize);
    accept(null, handler.ProcessRequest);
    return TaskAsyncHelper.Empty;

This would require submitting bug to open source project, forking, applying changes, testing it, creating pull request etc. which is longer project than I have time right now. If anyone wants to test this theory, thanks.

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