I am having troubles getting my first Mock working in my Chat application using Mockito, I am trying to mock a Repository that takes a user ID as a string and returns all the conversations for this user. I am having a very hard time getting rid of a NullPointerException

Here is my Repository trait:

trait UserRepository {
  val getConversations: (String) => Option[Vector[User]]

Here is my Service:

class UserService(userRepository: UserRepository){
  private val boolToNumber : (Boolean) => Int = (bool) => ... not useful here
  private val countToBool : (Int) => Boolean = (int) => ... not useful here

  val getParticipations: (String) => Option[Vector[User]] = (name) => {
    userRepository.getConversations(name) match {
    ... some implementation

And my tests

  // init
  val userRepository = mock[UserRepository]

  // setup
  when(userRepository.getConversations("Smith")) thenReturn (
        User("Smith", true, true, ConversationKey("Smith", "Smith and O'Connell chatroom")),
        User("Smith", false, true, ConversationKey("Smith", "Smith and O'Connell chatroom"))
  val userService : UserService = new UserService(userRepository)
  // run
  val actual = userService.getParticipations("Smith")

  // verify
  actual mustBe Vector(User("Smith", false, true, ConversationKey("Smith", "Smith and O'Connell chatroom")))

What I have tried so far:

  • printing after each operation in the tests, printing UserRepository returns Mock for UserRepository, hashCode: 1319190020, but the UserService is not printing so it is the one throwing the NullPointerException
  • changing "Smith" by the matcher any[String], same error, and anyString same error
  • Wrapping String in a class called StringValue, same error Mockito matchers
  • 1
    Try changing your val functions to def functions.
    – Stephen
    May 28, 2017 at 13:41
  • 1
    That solved it!! Thank you, do you have any idea why it would cause a NullPointerException? EDIT: Can you answer (not with a comment) so I can accept your answer?
    – Daniel
    May 28, 2017 at 14:51
  • @Daniel, can you please update your example to add how you created test class and maven or sbt dependency. I cannot get how you mock with Mockito using the following syntax: val userRepository = mock[UserRepository].
    – Alexandr
    Jun 25, 2018 at 7:46

1 Answer 1


Change your val functions to def functions.

Im not too sure exactly why this is, but mockito is a java library so im not surprised that it doesnt handle scala function values well where Def's compile to the same thing as java methods.

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