I am uploading an image to my server and once uploaded my server responds with the new URI for it (can be the same URL as the old one), I want to remove the old cached image and insert the new one for the new URI.
I try to accomplish this by doing:
// Retrofit2 onResponse
String newImageUri = response.body().getUri();
String oldImageUri = Preferences.getUser().getImageUrl();
// Remove old image from cache
Fresco.getImagePipelineFactory().getMainFileCache().remove(new SimpleCacheKey(oldImageUri));
// Insert new image at new URI
try {
Fresco.getImagePipelineFactory().getMainFileCache().insert(new SimpleCacheKey(newImageUri), new WriterCallback() {
public void write(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
os.write(imageData); // byte[] or the new Bitmap
catch (Exception e) {
There are no exceptions but I still only see the old image.
while you are using the evict ones. You could try with this and see if helps (maybe will not work for you because the answer is 2 years old and Fresco library probably has changed something in the meantime)