Manually customising coding keys
In your example, you're getting an auto-generated conformance to Codable
as all your properties also conform to Codable
. This conformance automatically creates a key type that simply corresponds to the property names – which is then used in order to encode to/decode from a single keyed container.
However one really neat feature of this auto-generated conformance is that if you define a nested enum
in your type called "CodingKeys
" (or use a typealias
with this name) that conforms to the CodingKey
protocol – Swift will automatically use this as the key type. This therefore allows you to easily customise the keys that your properties are encoded/decoded with.
So what this means is you can just say:
struct Address : Codable {
var street: String
var zip: String
var city: String
var state: String
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case street, zip = "zip_code", city, state
The enum case names need to match the property names, and the raw values of these cases need to match the keys that you're encoding to/decoding from (unless specified otherwise, the raw values of a String
enumeration will the same as the case names). Therefore, the zip
property will now be encoded/decoded using the key "zip_code"
The exact rules for the auto-generated Encodable
conformance are detailed by the evolution proposal (emphasis mine):
In addition to automatic CodingKey
requirement synthesis for
, Encodable
& Decodable
requirements can be automatically
synthesized for certain types as well:
Types conforming to Encodable
whose properties are all Encodable
get an automatically generated String
-backed CodingKey
enum mapping
properties to case names. Similarly for Decodable
types whose
properties are all Decodable
Types falling into (1) — and types which manually provide a CodingKey
(named CodingKeys
, directly, or via a typealias
) whose
cases map 1-to-1 to Encodable
properties by name — get
automatic synthesis of init(from:)
and encode(to:)
as appropriate,
using those properties and keys
Types which fall into neither (1) nor (2) will have to provide a custom key type if needed and provide their own init(from:)
, as appropriate
Example encoding:
import Foundation
let address = Address(street: "Apple Bay Street", zip: "94608",
city: "Emeryville", state: "California")
do {
let encoded = try JSONEncoder().encode(address)
print(String(decoding: encoded, as: UTF8.self))
} catch {
//{"state":"California","street":"Apple Bay Street","zip_code":"94608","city":"Emeryville"}
Example decoding:
// using the """ multi-line string literal here, as introduced in SE-0168,
// to avoid escaping the quotation marks
let jsonString = """
{"state":"California","street":"Apple Bay Street","zip_code":"94608","city":"Emeryville"}
do {
let decoded = try JSONDecoder().decode(Address.self, from: Data(jsonString.utf8))
} catch {
// Address(street: "Apple Bay Street", zip: "94608",
// city: "Emeryville", state: "California")
Automatic snake_case
JSON keys for camelCase
property names
In Swift 4.1, if you rename your zip
property to zipCode
, you can take advantage of the key encoding/decoding strategies on JSONEncoder
and JSONDecoder
in order to automatically convert coding keys between camelCase
and snake_case
Example encoding:
import Foundation
struct Address : Codable {
var street: String
var zipCode: String
var city: String
var state: String
let address = Address(street: "Apple Bay Street", zipCode: "94608",
city: "Emeryville", state: "California")
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
let encoded = try encoder.encode(address)
print(String(decoding: encoded, as: UTF8.self))
} catch {
//{"state":"California","street":"Apple Bay Street","zip_code":"94608","city":"Emeryville"}
Example decoding:
let jsonString = """
{"state":"California","street":"Apple Bay Street","zip_code":"94608","city":"Emeryville"}
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let decoded = try decoder.decode(Address.self, from: Data(jsonString.utf8))
} catch {
// Address(street: "Apple Bay Street", zipCode: "94608",
// city: "Emeryville", state: "California")
One important thing to note about this strategy however is that it won't be able to round-trip some property names with acronyms or initialisms which, according to the Swift API design guidelines, should be uniformly upper or lower case (depending on the position).
For example, a property named someURL
will be encoded with the key some_url
, but on decoding, this will be transformed to someUrl
To fix this, you'll have to manually specify the coding key for that property to be string that the decoder expects, e.g someUrl
in this case (which will still be transformed to some_url
by the encoder):
struct S : Codable {
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case someURL = "someUrl", someOtherProperty
var someURL: String
var someOtherProperty: String
(This doesn't strictly answer your specific question, but given the canonical nature of this Q&A, I feel it's worth including)
Custom automatic JSON key mapping
In Swift 4.1, you can take advantage of the custom key encoding/decoding strategies on JSONEncoder
and JSONDecoder
, allowing you to provide a custom function to map coding keys.
The function you provide takes a [CodingKey]
, which represents the coding path for the current point in encoding/decoding (in most cases, you'll only need to consider the last element; that is, the current key). The function returns a CodingKey
that will replace the last key in this array.
For example, UpperCamelCase
JSON keys for lowerCamelCase
property names:
import Foundation
// wrapper to allow us to substitute our mapped string keys.
struct AnyCodingKey : CodingKey {
var stringValue: String
var intValue: Int?
init(_ base: CodingKey) {
self.init(stringValue: base.stringValue, intValue: base.intValue)
init(stringValue: String) {
self.stringValue = stringValue
init(intValue: Int) {
self.stringValue = "\(intValue)"
self.intValue = intValue
init(stringValue: String, intValue: Int?) {
self.stringValue = stringValue
self.intValue = intValue
extension JSONEncoder.KeyEncodingStrategy {
static var convertToUpperCamelCase: JSONEncoder.KeyEncodingStrategy {
return .custom { codingKeys in
var key = AnyCodingKey(codingKeys.last!)
// uppercase first letter
if let firstChar = key.stringValue.first {
let i = key.stringValue.startIndex
i ... i, with: String(firstChar).uppercased()
return key
extension JSONDecoder.KeyDecodingStrategy {
static var convertFromUpperCamelCase: JSONDecoder.KeyDecodingStrategy {
return .custom { codingKeys in
var key = AnyCodingKey(codingKeys.last!)
// lowercase first letter
if let firstChar = key.stringValue.first {
let i = key.stringValue.startIndex
i ... i, with: String(firstChar).lowercased()
return key
You can now encode with the .convertToUpperCamelCase
key strategy:
let address = Address(street: "Apple Bay Street", zipCode: "94608",
city: "Emeryville", state: "California")
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToUpperCamelCase
let encoded = try encoder.encode(address)
print(String(decoding: encoded, as: UTF8.self))
} catch {
//{"Street":"Apple Bay Street","City":"Emeryville","State":"California","ZipCode":"94608"}
and decode with the .convertFromUpperCamelCase
key strategy:
let jsonString = """
{"Street":"Apple Bay Street","City":"Emeryville","State":"California","ZipCode":"94608"}
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromUpperCamelCase
let decoded = try decoder.decode(Address.self, from: Data(jsonString.utf8))
} catch {
// Address(street: "Apple Bay Street", zipCode: "94608",
// city: "Emeryville", state: "California")