I need to pass the value of page by increasing one. This is my pure code

<?php echo "<li><a href='pro.php?page=$page'><span class='ico-next'></span></a></li>" ?>

this is I tried one

<?php echo "<li><a href='pro.php?page=.$page++.'><span class='ico-next'></span></a></li>" ?>

But its not working,how can I pass the value by increasing it by one

  • $page = $page++; or ++$page Jun 8, 2017 at 13:28
  • Where do you read your GET/POST variable? $_GET Jun 8, 2017 at 13:30
  • <a href='pro.php?page=".(++$page).">
    – Kazz
    Jun 8, 2017 at 13:31
  • your second attempt is almost correct, you simply need to end the string so you concatenate onto it, rather than within it, ?page=".$page++."'> (note the quotes added to close/open the string)
    – Martin
    Jun 8, 2017 at 13:34

2 Answers 2


This is not possible due to limitations of the php parser. You have to use concatenation instead:

<?php echo "<li><a href='pro.php?page=" . ++$page . "'>";

Some find it easier to read such style, it separates formatting and computation:

<?php echo sprintf("<li><a href='pro.php?page=%s'>", ++$page);

Note that you probably also need to use ++$page instead of $page++, though that depends on your actual situation.

  • Thank u very much :)
    – Rooter
    Jun 8, 2017 at 16:07

You first need to increment the variable before you print it to the page.

<?php echo "<li><a href='pro.php?page=".trim(++$page)."'><span class='ico-next'></span></a></li>" ?>

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