Given a huge collection of objects, is there a performance difference between the the following?




myCollection.Any(currentElement => currentElement == myElement)

4 Answers 4


Contains() is an instance method, and its performance depends largely on the collection itself. For instance, Contains() on a List is O(n), while Contains() on a HashSet is O(1).

Any() is an extension method, and will simply go through the collection, applying the delegate on every object. It therefore has a complexity of O(n).

Any() is more flexible however since you can pass a delegate. Contains() can only accept an object.

  • 33
    Contains is also an extension method against IEnumerable<T> (although some collections have their own Contains instance method too). As you say, Any is more flexible than Contains because you can pass it a custom predicate, but Contains might be slightly faster because it doesn't need to perform a delegate invocation for each element.
    – LukeH
    Commented Dec 14, 2010 at 23:45
  • 3
    Does Any() perform the operation on all objects in the collection or does it terminate with the first match?
    – Quark Soup
    Commented Feb 14, 2019 at 18:02
  • 3
    At least according to the source, it stops on the first match. All() operates similarly. Commented Feb 14, 2019 at 18:44

It depends on the collection. If you have an ordered collection, then Contains might do a smart search (binary, hash, b-tree, etc.), while with Any() you are basically stuck with enumerating until you find it (assuming LINQ-to-Objects).

Also note that in your example, Any() is using the == operator which will check for referential equality, while Contains will use IEquatable<T> or the Equals() method, which might be overridden.

  • 6
    With .Any you can easily compare properties. With .Contains you can just compare objects and you need an extra IEqualityComparer to compare properties.
    – msfanboy
    Commented Feb 4, 2011 at 20:23
  • 1
    @msfanboy: That's true, but the question was specifically about performance and showed comparing the whole object. So I don't think that it is relevant here.
    – tster
    Commented Feb 4, 2011 at 20:35

I suppose that would depend on the type of myCollection is which dictates how Contains() is implemented. If a sorted binary tree for example, it could search smarter. Also it may take the element's hash into account. Any() on the other hand will enumerate through the collection until the first element that satisfies the condition is found. There are no optimizations for if the object had a smarter search method.


Contains() is also an extension method which can work fast if you use it in the correct way. For ex:

var result = context.Projects.Where(x => lstBizIds.Contains(x.businessId)).Select(x => x.projectId).ToList();

This will give the query

SELECT Id FROM Projects INNER JOIN (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) AS Data(Item) ON Projects.UserId = Data.Item

while Any() on the other hand always iterate through the O(n).

Hope this will work....

  • 3
    In case you read this; You are conflating LINQ and "Linq To SQL". And where this discussion mainly centers around IEnumerable, your answer is about IQueryable. I didn't review it for correctness, but seems misplaced.
    – Suamere
    Commented Mar 16, 2021 at 16:07

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