I have an anchor tag with a click event on it

    url:     'ajax/test.php',
    data:    {id: 123, count: 456},
    success: function(data) {
               //lightbox data

The response will look something like

  title: 'My Title',
  body:  'My Body'

I want to show this in a fancybox.

Where I am stuck is creating and showing a fancybox around this content on the fly?

1 Answer 1


Have you tried something like this?

success: function(data) {
    'content' : '<h1>' + data.title + '</h1>' + data.body
  • hey jarrett, ive tried using these code but it kinda disable the fancybox But it proceed to load to the page specificied in HREF from the anchor. any reason why?
    – lilsizzo
    Mar 16, 2011 at 10:18
  • @lilsizzo Have you tried opening a question for this? If you have not, when you do I'd recommend posting the code you are using. Mar 17, 2011 at 3:27
  • @JarrettWidman Unfortunately, it did not worked for me. Could you please have a look at this question? Thanks in advance.
    – Jack
    Jul 11, 2015 at 13:55

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