I am writing a function that does piecewise multiplication of two arrays.

        .zip(ys).map(|(x, y)| x * y)

In some other languages, I can pass (*) as a function to map. Does Rust have this feature?


3 Answers 3


Nnnyes. Sorta kinda not really.

You can't write an operator as a name. But most operators are backed by traits, and you can write the name of those, so a * b is effectively Mul::mul(a, b), and you can pass Mul::mul as a function pointer.

But that doesn't help in this case because Iterator::map is expecting a FnMut((A, B)) -> C, and the binary operators all implement FnMut(A, B) -> C.

Now, you could write an adapter for this, but you'd need one for every combination of arity and mutability. And you'd have to eat a heap allocation and indirection or require a nightly compiler.

Or, you could write your own version of Iterator::map on an extension trait that accepts higher arity functions for iterators of tuples... again, one for each arity...

Honestly, it's simpler to just use a closure.


Rust does not have any syntax to pass infix operators, mostly because it is redundant anyway.

In Rust, each operator maps to a trait: * maps to the std::ops::Mul trait, for example.

Therefore, using * directly should be using std::ops::Mul::mul:


However there are several difficulties:

  1. Generally, iterators yield references while Mul is implemented for plain values,
  2. Mul::mul expects two arguments, xs.zip(ys) yields a single element (a tuple of two elements).

So, you need to go from reference to value and then "unpack" the tuple and... it ends up being shorter to use a closure.


No. The * operator is implemented in std::Ops::Mul, but it can't be used directly:

use std::ops::Mul::mul;

fn main() {
    let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let v2 = vec![1, 2, 3];

    println!("{:?}", v1.iter().zip(v2).map(|(x, y)| mul).collect());

Will result in the following error:

error[E0253]: `mul` is not directly importable
 --> <anon>:1:5
1 | use std::ops::Mul::mul;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot be imported directly

You could introduce your own function using the * operator, but there wouldn't be much added value :).

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