I found two native workarounds to use a complex collection values as a cache key.
The first method is using a computed string as the cache key:
@Cacheable(value = "Words", key = "{#root.methodName, #a1}", unless = "#result == null")
@Cacheable(value = "Words", key = "{#root.methodName, #p1}", unless = "#result == null")
@Cacheable(value = "Words", key = "{#root.methodName, #precomputedString}", unless = "#result == null")
public List<Edge> findWords(HttpServletRequest request, String precomputedStringKey) {
In order to call to this method service as follows:
//use your own complex object collection to string mapping as a second parameter
.map(strings -> Arrays.stream(strings)
And the second method (my preferred way):
@Cacheable(value = "Edges", key = "{#root.methodName, T(package.relationalDatabase.utils.Functions).getSpringCacheKey(#request.getParameterMap().values())}", unless = "#result == null")
public List<Edge> findWords(HttpServletRequest request, String precomputedStringKey) {
Where package.relationalDatabase.utils.Functions getSpringCacheKey is a own created function as follows:
public static String getSpringCacheKey(Object o) throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
boolean isSpringEntity = o.getClass().getAnnotation(javax.persistence.Entity.class) != null;
if (isSpringEntity) {
return objectMapper.writerWithView(JSONViews.Simple.class).writeValueAsString(o);
} else {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(o);
Note 1: this method allows the combination of the native key cache notation with a custom wrapper. Unlike Spring cache's keyGenerator property which does not allow the key annotation (they are mutually exclusive) and which require the creation of a CustomKeyGenerator
@Cacheable(value = "Edges", unless = "#result == null", keyGenerator = "CustomKeyGenerator")
public List<Edge> findWords(HttpServletRequest request, String precomputedStringKey) {
public class CustomKeyGenerator implements KeyGenerator {
Object generate(Object target, Method method, Object... params)
And the creation of a return wrapper for each complex collection key.
For example:
public Object generate(Object target, Method method, Object... params) {
if(params[0] instanceof Collection)
//do something
if(params[0] instanceof Map)
//do something
if(params[0] instanceof HttpServletRequest)
//do something
Therefore, the proposed method allows:
//note #request.getParameterMap().values()
@Cacheable(value = "Edges", key = "{#root.methodName, T(package.relationalDatabase.utils.Functions).getSpringCacheKey(#request.getParameterMap().values())}"
//note #request.getParameterMap().keySet()
@Cacheable(value = "Edges", key = "{#root.methodName, T(package.relationalDatabase.utils.Functions).getSpringCacheKey(#request.getParameterMap().keySet())}"
without need to update the method for each collection.
Note 2: this method allows the usage of jackson views for spring entities but in some cases there is needed the @JsonIgnoreProperties({"hibernateLazyInitializer"})
Finally the trace result of spring cache for this method is the following:
Computed cache key '[findWords,
[[""],["0"],[""],[""],[""],[""],["brazil"],["on"],["false"]]]' for
operation Builder[public java.util.List
caches=[myClass] | key='{#root.methodName,
| keyGenerator='' | cacheManager='' | cacheResolver='' | condition=''
| unless='#result == null' | sync='false'
On the other hand, it is recommended to use string hash functions to compress the resulting key value.
In order to avoid problems with the T() function in the JAR package lifecycle it is preferable to create a bean:
KeySerializationComponent keySerializationComponent() {
return new KeySerializationComponent();
and call it with:
@Cacheable(value = "Document", key = "{#root.methodName,#size,@keySerializationComponent.getSpringCacheKey(#ids)}", unless = "#result == null")