I'm trying to have a dynamically updated min value on one field, depending on input from other fields. Heres my code in short:

$("#new_project").live("click", function() {

        case 'average' : ppw = .006;
        case 'below-average' : ppw =.004;
        case 'good' : ppw = .008;
        case 'very-good' : ppw = .016;

    if ($('#minimum-word-length').val() && $('input:radio[name=quality-level]:checked').val())
        min_price = $('#minimum-word-length').val() * ppw;


    $("#new_project, .edit_project").validate({
    rules: {
    "price-per-article": {required: true, number: true,  min:min_price},
    errorPlacement: function(error, element) { }



Min price is set correctly, and updates correctly. That said, for whatever reason, the min value rule doesnt update which i think is because the validate code is only loaded on document load. So I guess is there a way to reload the rules so that the min value changes when then the two necessary fields are filled?



3 Answers 3


The problem is you're setting up the validate object with the price-per-article on initial load. I'm not familiar with the validate plug-in, but in general, if your properties change for an object real time, you'll want to use a callback function for that property as opposed to setting it's data on load.

So for the price-per-article entry it'd probably look like:

"price-per-article": {
  required: true,
  number: true,
  min: function () { return $('#minimum-word-length').val() * ppw; }

Instead of having a fixed value for the validation for price-per-article, change it to an anonymous function:

"price-per-article": {
    required: true,
    number: true,
    min: function() { return min_price; }

This way the value of min_price is checked every time validation is called.


This example gets min year & max year is derived from min:

$(document).ready(function () {
    function getMinYear() {
        var d = new Date();
        var y = parseInt(d.getFullYear());

        console.log("Min: " + y);
        return y;

        rules : {
            year : {
                required : true,
                number: true,
                min: getMinYear(),
                max: getMinYear() + 10
        messages : {                
            year : {
                required : "Expiration Date: Please enter valid year (e.g. 2016)",
                number : "Expiration Date: Please enter valid year (e.g. 2016)",
                min : function (elem) {
                    var y = getMinYear();

                    return "Min: Please enter the value between " + y.toString() + " and " + (y + 10).toString();
                max : function (elem) {
                    var y = getMinYear() + 10;

                    return "Max: Please enter the value between " + y.toString() + " and " + (y + 10).toString();
        submitHandler : function (form) {
        invalidHandler : function (event, validator) {              

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