I have a View that overrides the OnKeyDown event. I can get the Key Code and the KeyEvent, but it seems that I'm missing something.

Let me explain. For non-US keyboard layouts, the Key Code I'm getting is wrong. For example, when I press the ñ key in my Spanish keyboard, I expect to receive a "ñ" letter, but instead I get a Keycode.AltLeft as Key Code.

How do I get the real letter?

Another problematic case is with accentuated characters: When I press the ´ key and the o key, I shouldn't receive two events, but only one with the letter ó.

  • "I expect to receive a "ñ" letter -- there is no KEYCODE_ value for all characters in all languages. When you call getUnicodeChar() on the KeyEvent, what do you get back? "When I press the ´ key and the o key, I shouldn't receive two events" -- why do you think this? After all, the documentation for getDeadChar() would seem to disagree with you. Jun 14, 2017 at 18:39
  • "When you call getUnicodeChar() on the KeyEvent, what do you get back?" I get a 0 (zero)
    – SuperJMN
    Jun 14, 2017 at 18:53
  • OK, you're right :) I have just tested and the ´ key doesn't fire the KeyPress event. It fires only when the "o" is pressed afterwards. But with the getUnicodeChar you mention I get a 111 instead of 243 (the Unicode for the "ó")
    – SuperJMN
    Jun 14, 2017 at 19:00

1 Answer 1


What are you trying to do? It is probably too low level. A key down might not necessarily have anything to do with the final input text produced. For instance to produce on Japanese character one has to press a sequence of several keys.

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