did anyone ever try to style the Fonts/Lines/etc of the GoogleMaps-Sattelite View? I know about SnazzyMaps and other Google Maps customizer, but they dont have a sattelite style option?

Thanks for helping out,


UPDATE: I figured out to get rid of all the labels on the hyprid/sattelite view. Using: var mapStyle = [

{ featureType: "all", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] } ]

and use it when creating the map:

function createMap(standort) { map = new google.maps.Map( mapElem, { zoom: 12, minZoom: 3, mapTypeId: 'hybrid', mapTypeControl: false, styles: mapStyle, disableDefaultUI: true, } } );

I just have one more question, does anyone know how I get rid of the street/Border-Overlay--> Example here



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