Some libraries, such as LLVM, use a "superproject" pattern, where consumers of the library, such as libcxx, should live inside of the libraries' folder-structure. In the case of LLVM, this is llvm/projects.

This seems quite limiting, as it makes it harder use the library when there are other folder-structure constraints.

Why was this descision made, and what are some reasons to use such a layout?

  • I think that only the first part of your question (Why was this descision made) may be answered objectively. As for the second part - when should such a layout be used? - answers to it could be very opinion-base (as any other design policy suggestion).
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Jun 16, 2017 at 12:37
  • I think there could be objective reasons to use such a project layout, which would answer "when should such a layout be used?"
    – sdgfsdh
    Commented Jun 16, 2017 at 12:38
  • This "objective reasons" are just advantages of the approach. For decide whether use given approach or not, you should compare its advantages with ones of other approach.
    – Tsyvarev
    Commented Jun 16, 2017 at 13:51


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