I am using Symfony 3 and I've created a custom Voter class.

I want to access it using the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle @Security tag.

It kind of works.

If I do the following it works perfectly:

 * @Rest\Get("organisation/{id}")
 * @Security("is_granted('OrgAdmin', id)")
 * @param int     $id
 * @param Request $request
 * @return View
public function getOrganisationAction($id, Request $request)

But I don't like the idea of using magic strings in the application and I would much rather use a class constant for the check.

Something like this:

 * @Rest\Get("organisation/{id}")
 * @Security("is_granted(AppBundle\OrgRoles::ROLE_ADMIN, id)")
 * @param int     $id
 * @param Request $request
 * @return View
public function getOrganisationAction($id, Request $request)

But when I try that I get the following error message:

Unexpected character \"\\\" around position 20 for expression `is_granted(AppBundle\\OrgRoles::ROLE_ADMIN, id)`.

Which when unescaped, is the following:

Unexpected character "\" around position 20 for expression `is_granted(AppBundle\OrgRoles::ROLE_ADMIN, id)`.

So I'm stumped on this.

Can it be done?

Any suggestions on a better way to do this?

2 Answers 2


You can use the constant() function available in the Expression Language Component:

@Security("is_granted(constant('\\Full\\Namespace\\To\\OrgRoles::ROLE_ADMIN'), id)")

Doctrine annotation reader has made this even easier for constants in PHP code:

use MyCompany\Annotations\Bar;
use MyCompany\Entity\SomeClass;

* @Foo(PHP_EOL)
* @Bar(Bar::FOO)

This also works just as expected for @Security / @IsGranted.


  • 3
    this should be added in the accepted answer! Thanks for the information
    – Aly
    Commented May 9, 2019 at 17:25

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