I'm having some difficults with sortable option handle.

When I use:

$("table tr").sortable().disableSelection();

There is no problem.

If I add the handle option then the sortable stops working:

$("table tr").sortable({
    handle: "td:eq(0)"

The links:



Can anyone help me please?

3 Answers 3


Wrap your <tr>'s in a <tbody> and change your code to:

$("table tbody").sortable({
    handle: 'td:first'

You specify the container that contains the elements you want to be sortable not the actual elements...

  • Perfect!!!! Its start the sorting from table 'FIRST' column, so you can select column text easily. Don't forget to remove .disableSelection() option.
    – Nono
    Commented Jun 17, 2016 at 21:56

Try to pass an element: http://jsfiddle.net/22C2n/5/

$("table tr").sortable({
    handle: $("td:eq(0)")
  • thanks for the answer but the code does not work, at leas at chrome.
    – Diego
    Commented Dec 17, 2010 at 14:58
  • Yes, i was trying with 6A. But still, 1B and 1C (also 1A after you drop it) are moved to the right.Also it is not sorting
    – Diego
    Commented Dec 17, 2010 at 15:10

Setting the handle to td:eq(0) makes only the first table cell sortable, all the rest of the cells are not. Try adding a span inside the td and use it as the handle (demo).




$("table tr").sortable({
    handle: "span"

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