Is there any function to directly convert Unix Time Stamp (returned by time() [ctime library]) to a struct tm or something that holds the date and time in Jalali format?

And I'm not looking for a way to convert Gregorian to Jalali. I'm looking for an algorithm to convert what time(NULL) returns directly to the Jalali calendar.

  • Voted to reopen as the original question (which this was marked as a duplicate of) did not answer this question. Jun 24, 2017 at 15:04
  • I would love to see a non-iterative answer such as this one for Gregorian calendars (howardhinnant.github.io/date_algorithms.html#civil_from_days). This only converts from a count of days, but it is trivial to convert from count-of-seconds to count-of-days. With a good algorithm, such a calendar could be easily added to this date/time/timezone library which is designed to have many calendars inter-operate: github.com/HowardHinnant/date Jun 24, 2017 at 15:08

1 Answer 1


I've developed a similar algorithm to convert Julian Day Number to Solar Hijri (~= Jalali) calendar date. The principles are same: take a reference point in time (in your case 1970-01-01 which is equal to JDN #2440587) and calculate how many years, month and days are past since then. My algorithm is based on Akramis's mean-year calculation which has a good conformance to Official Iranian Calendar (same in near past).

The C implementation is available here:


Note that you can convert unix time to JDN only by adding 2440587 offset. So you will need to:

int16_t year;
uint8_t month;
int16_t day;
jdn_to_sh(unix_time + 2440587, &year, &month, &date);

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