I'm using net core web api and need to return a payload with property name "$skip". I tried using the DataAnnotations:

public class ApiResponseMessage
    [Display(Name ="$skip", ShortName = "$skip")]
    public int Skip { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "$top", ShortName = "$top")]
    public int Top { get; set; }

In my Controller I simply use

return Json(payload)

However, my response payload looks like follow:

"ResponseMsg": {
    "Skip": 0,
    "Top": 3

and I need it to be:

"ResponseMsg": {
    "$skip": 0,
    "$top": 3

What is the best option to address this? Do I need to write my own ContractResolver or Converter?

3 Answers 3


starting in .net core 3.0 the framework now uses System.Text.Json. You can decorate a json attribute in your class with

public string HtmlId { get; set; }

See System.Text.Json


ASP.NET Core already uses JSON.NET as its base JavaScriptSerializer.

Here is the dependency.

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc --> Microsoft.AspNetCore.Formatter.Json --> Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch --> Newtonsoft.Json

A sample decoration of the object like this would achieve the goal

public class ApiResponseMessage
    public int Skip { get; set; }
    public int Top { get; set; }

  • Thank you for showing that dependency path; that was what enabled to find what version of Newtonsoft.Json is actually in use (10.0.1 for my current setup)
    – Luc C
    Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 11:57

Use JsonProperty attribute to set a custom property name:

[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "$skip")]
public int Skip { get; set; }


{ "$skip": 1 }

More info: How can I change property names when serializing with Json.net?

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