I am having trouble compiling a Maven project in IntelliJ.
- If I run
mvn clean install
from commandline = SUCCESS - If I click on the "Reimport All Maven Projects" icon in IntellJ = SUCCESS
- If I click on the "Generate Sources and Update Folders For All Projects" icon in IntelliJ = SUCCESS
- If I click on the "install" Lifecyclein the Maven Projects panel = SUCCESS
- After the Maven "install" I can even run the application without problems and I can see my latest source code changes.
Therefore I don't believe there is anything wrong with the project itself. But
- IntelliJ shows there are a lots of methods and fields missing (red highlights)
- Make Module ... fails
- Compile Module ... fails
- All Unit Tests running from IntelliJ fail with "java: cannot find symbol" errors, but PASS from the command line
I have
- restarted the IDE several times
- Click File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart...
- Click File -> Project Structure... -> Problems = Empty panel (I assume it means no problems)
- Click File -> Settings... -> Maven = Maven settings is correct
What else could I try to make IntelliJ intelligent enough to compile the project?
File | Invalidate Caches/Restart | Invalidate
and in yourMaven Projects
tool clickLifecycle | clean
and/or theGenerate Sources and Update Folders For All Projects