If the input size is too small the library automatically serializes the execution of the maps in the stream, but this automation doesn't and can't take in account how heavy is the map operation. Is there a way to force parallelStream() to actually parallelize CPU heavy maps?

  • 3
    Your linked question already contains the answer (by the esteemed Brian Goetz) to your question in the comments.
    – Kayaman
    Jun 28, 2017 at 10:35
  • 1
    Well, as explained, you can't force it. Instead use an executor. Your workaround of adding redundant elements is a pretty horrible hack.
    – Kayaman
    Jun 28, 2017 at 11:40
  • 3
    I understand that, but sometimes you need to use the right tool for the right job, instead of insisting on using the wrong tool and hacking around just because you think you have to use the wrong tool. If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail, and it sounds like your hammer is the stream api.
    – Kayaman
    Jun 28, 2017 at 11:45
  • 2
    I'm not talking about the possible limitations of the Stream API. I'm talking about you choosing a suboptimal solution for the sole reason that you want to use Stream API. That's not a very good quality in a software developer.
    – Kayaman
    Jun 28, 2017 at 11:52
  • 1
    Well, so far it seems that you won't get what you want in JDK9 either.
    – Kayaman
    Jun 28, 2017 at 12:01

1 Answer 1


There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding. The linked Q&A discusses that the stream apparently doesn’t work in parallel, due to the OP not seeing the expected speedup. The conclusion is that there is no benefit in parallel processing if the workload is too small, not that there was an automatic fallback to sequential execution.

It’s actually the opposite. If you request parallel, you get parallel, even if it actually reduces the performance. The implementation does not switch to the potentially more efficient sequential execution in such cases.

So if you are confident that the per-element workload is high enough to justify the use of a parallel execution regardless of the small number of elements, you can simply request a parallel execution.

As can easily demonstrated:

Stream.of(1, 2).parallel()
      .peek(x -> System.out.println("processing "+x+" in "+Thread.currentThread()))

On Ideone, it prints

processing 2 in Thread[main,5,main]
processing 1 in Thread[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1,5,main]

but the order of messages and details may vary. It may even be possible that in some environments, both task may happen to get executed by the same thread, if it can steal the second task before another thread is started to pick it up. But of course, if the tasks are expensive enough, this will not happen. The important point is that the overall workload has been split and enqueued to be potentially picked up by other worker threads.

If execution by a single thread happens in your environment for the simple example above, you may insert simulated workload like this:

Stream.of(1, 2).parallel()
      .peek(x -> System.out.println("processing "+x+" in "+Thread.currentThread()))
      .map(x -> {
           LockSupport.parkNanos("simulated workload", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(3));
           return x;

Then, you may also see that the overall execution time will be shorter than “number of elements”דprocessing time per element” if the “processing time per element” is high enough.

Update: the misunderstanding might be cause by Brian Goetz’ misleading statement: “In your case, your input set is simply too small to be decomposed”.

It must be emphasized that this is not a general property of the Stream API, but the Map that has been used. A HashMap has a backing array and the entries are distributed within that array depending on their hash code. It might be the case that splitting the array into n ranges doesn’t lead to a balanced split of the contained element, especially, if there are only two. The implementors of the HashMap’s Spliterator considered searching the array for elements to get a perfectly balanced split to be too expensive, not that splitting two elements was not worth it.

Since the HashMap’s default capacity is 16 and the example had only two elements, we can say that the map was oversized. Simply fixing that would also fix the example:

long start = System.nanoTime();

Map<String, Supplier<String>> input = new HashMap<>(2);
input.put("1", () -> {
    LockSupport.parkNanos("simulated workload", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(2));
    return "a";
input.put("2", () -> {
    LockSupport.parkNanos("simulated workload", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(2));
    return "b";
Map<String, String> results = input.keySet()
    key -> key,
    key -> input.get(key).get()));

System.out.println("Time: " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime()- start));

on my machine, it prints

Time: 2058

The conclusion is that the Stream implementation always tries to use parallel execution, if you request it, regardless of the input size. But it depends on the input’s structure how well the workload can be distributed to the worker threads. Things could be even worse, e.g. if you stream lines from a file.

If you think that the benefit of a balanced splitting is worth the cost of a copying step, you could also use new ArrayList<>(input.keySet()).parallelStream() instead of input.keySet().parallelStream(), as the distribution of elements within ArrayList always allows a perfectly balanced split.

  • 1
    @maverickabhi you can not process “in sequence” and “using parallel processing” at the same time. These are contradicting terms. When all you want, is to write an array to a file, there’s no benefit in parallel processing at all. If you have a stream with computational expensive intermediate operations, you can try to use a parallel stream and chain forEachOrdered as terminal action to write to the target file in parallel. But depending on the actual operations, the costs of writing the end result in order may still outweigh any benefit of parallel processing.
    – Holger
    Mar 1, 2019 at 8:17
  • 1
    @Kamel what kind of information do you hope to find in the code?
    – Holger
    Nov 28, 2019 at 9:35
  • 1
    @Just I don’t know any real life example where parallelStream() behaves different than stream().parallel(). Arrays have neither, stream() nor parallelStream().
    – Holger
    Jan 4, 2021 at 8:33
  • 2
    @Just There is no difference between parallelStream() and stream().parallel(), except for a single user on the internet who claims otherwise without any proof. Either you prove your claim or you stop discussing.
    – Holger
    Jan 4, 2021 at 9:34
  • 2
    @Just this answer said “when you request parallel”; it never claimed that parallelStream() was sufficient to request parallel. But in real life, the result of parallelStream() always is a parallel stream, as you can query via isParallel(). And then, the stream will operate in parallel mode, even when there is only one thread left and no benefit. That’s implied by “even if it actually reduces the performance”. If you find a contradicting real life example, feel free to show it.
    – Holger
    Jan 4, 2021 at 9:54

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