I use VueJS 2
to render and calculate form items. Now I need to show a number if a propertie is under 10, and I need show a text message if the propertie is over or equal 10.
I use this code:
Vue.component('mycomponent', {
template: '#mytemp',
data: function() {
// ...
computed: {
mycomputedprop: function() {
if (this.model_a < 10) {
return '<span class="numbervalue">' + this.model_a + '€</span>';
} else {
return '<span class="textvalue">I\'ll contact you as soon as possible!</span>';
I use this code to show the value:
<div id="app">
{{ mycomputedprop }}
The problem is: if I show this value it shows the HTML code as text, not as HTML. How can I show the returned value as a HTML code?