The first problem you should make it clear is what do you mean by whether internet is available
- Not connected to wifi or cellular network;
- Connected to a limited wifi: e.g. In a school network, if you connect to school wifi, you can access intranet directly. But you have to log in with school account to access extranet. In this case, if you ping extranet website, you may receive response because some intranet made auto redirect to login page;
- Connected to unlimited wifi: you are free to access most websites;
The second problem is what do you want to achieve?
As far as I understand your description, you seems want to test the connection of network and remind user if it fails. So I recommend you just ping your server, which is always fine if you want to exchange data with it.
You wonder whether there is a better way to test connectivity, and the answer is no.
The current TCP/IP network is virtual circuit, packet-switched network, which means there is no a fixed 'path' for the data to run, i.e. not like a telephone, we have a real connection between two users, we can know the connection is lost immediately after circuit is broken. We have to send a packet to the destination, and find no response, then we know, we lose the connection (which is what ping -- ICMP protocol -- does).
In conclusion, we have no better way to test the connectivity to a host other than ping it, that is why heartbeat is used in service management.