I agree with Justin Niessner's options, but there is also another easy way to include the contents of the ASP.net page into your Classic ASP page, which might suit your needs.
If you want to include the resulting Html of the ASP.net page, you can take the following approach:
Dim Url
Url = "http://pathtoyourasp.net/script/somescript.aspx?param=value"
' Create XML object, make server side request
Dim objXML: set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXML.Open "GET", Url, True
' Retry a few times just in case: it's classic ASP.
Dim try_times: try_times = 0
While objXML.ReadyState <> 4 and try_times < 5
objXML.waitForResponse 2
try_times = try_times + 1
If objXML.ReadyState = 4 then
' Success, write the response
Response.Write objXML.ResponseText
' Failed, show error
Response.Write "The page failed to load."
End If
Set objXML = Nothing