I have a temp column and a minimum temp column. the temp column is just over written continuously, but when temp is less that minTemp, minTemp is updated to reflect the new low. I know the code below is wrong, so my columns are

id and date <- these are my keys
temp <- this is the current temperature
minTemp <- this is the lowest temperature for the day

And here is the non-working code, but to get an idea of what I am trying to do

var tparams = {
    Key: { id: id, date: dayofyear(date)},
    TableName: "myTable",
    UpdateExpression: "Set minTemp = temp",
    ConditionExpression: "temp < minTemp",

    'temp' : 'minTemp
    ReturnValues: "UPDATED_NEW" 

Why does it just seem the aws docs are of very little help?

  • Expression attribute values must begin with a colon. See docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/….
    – jarmod
    Commented Jul 7, 2017 at 20:35
  • Yes, i actually got it working after i posted this
    – Messak
    Commented Jul 7, 2017 at 21:00
  • Good to hear but please help others to avoid spending time on this by writing up an answer and marking it as the chosen answer.
    – jarmod
    Commented Jul 7, 2017 at 21:59

1 Answer 1


Here is the solution that worked for me. There could very well be better ways of doing it though

attrNamesMinT["#minTemp"] = "minTemp";
attValuesMinT[":mint"] = temperature;

var mintparams = {
    TableName: "myTable",
    Key: { id: id, date: dayofyear(date)},
    UpdateExpression: "Set #minTemp = :mint",
    ConditionExpression: ":mint < #minTemp  or attribute_not_exists(#minTemp)",
    ExpressionAttributeNames: attrNamesMinT,
    ExpressionAttributeValues: attValuesMinT,
    ReturnValues: "UPDATED_NEW"

dynamo.updateItem(mintparams, function(err,res){

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