I have the following query:
with recursive chain(id, weight, depth) as (
select rpCore.itemID2, rpCore.weight, 1 as depth from relations rpCore where itemID1 = 1048663
select r.itemID2, c.weight + r.weight, c.depth + 1from chain c
inner join relations r
on (r.itemID1=id)
where c.depth < 3
order by c.weight + r.weight asc limit 10
) select * from chain order by weight asc limit 10;
If I run it, I get the following error:
ERROR: ORDER BY in a recursive query is not implemented
SQL state: 0A000
Character: 313
Because of the way the weights are structured (all positive, and added together) if I could get the recursive part of the query to order and limit itself, the outer part of the query would return the results I need, but it appears that you can't do an order by in the recursive part of a recursive query.
Is there any way to simulate this behavior? If I remove the limit statement, the query runs, but it runs very slowly due to the large number of (mostly unnecessary because of the final limit statement) rows.
, notunion all
? 2) Wrap the query withorder by
into parenthesizes.