Let's say I want to do an INNER JOIN between two entities Foo and Bar:

@Query("SELECT * FROM Foo INNER JOIN Bar ON Foo.bar = Bar.id")
List<FooAndBar> findAllFooAndBar();

Is it possible to force a return type like this?

public class FooAndBar {
    Foo foo;
    Bar bar;

When I try to do that, I get this error:

error: Cannot figure out how to read this field from a cursor.

I've also tried aliasing the table names to match the field names, but that didn't work either.

If this isn't possible, how should I cleanly construct a compatible return type that includes all fields for both entities?

5 Answers 5



@Query("SELECT * FROM Foo")
List<FooAndBar> findAllFooAndBar();

Class FooAndBar

public class FooAndBar {
    Foo foo;

    @Relation(parentColumn =  "Foo.bar_id", entityColumn = "Bar.id")
    List<Bar> bar;
    // If we are sure it returns only one entry
    // Bar bar;

    //Getter and setter...

This solution seems to work, but I'm not very proud of it. What do you think about it?

Edit: Another solution

Dao, I prefer to explicitly select but "*" will do the job :) Keep in mind that this solution only works when the fields of both entities are unique. See the comments for more information.

@Query("SELECT Foo.*, Bar.* FROM Foo INNER JOIN Bar ON Foo.bar = Bar.id")
List<FooAndBar> findAllFooAndBar();

Class FooAndBar

public class FooAndBar {
    Foo foo;

    Bar bar;

    //Getter and setter...

edit: since Version 2.2.0-alpha01, room @Relation annotation can manage One-To-One relation

  • 1
    If there are conflicts between Foo and Bar, I believe you can eliminate these by creating a subset representation of the latter class, e.g. public class BareBar { ...some bar fields... }, and then adding entity = BareBar.class to the @Relation. See: developer.android.com/reference/android/arch/persistence/room/… Commented Dec 28, 2017 at 19:58
  • 21
    Second solution causes "Multiple fields have the same columnName" compile error then entities have PK property named the same: id
    – Vinigas
    Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 7:23
  • 3
    Does the second solution actually work? Coz I am getting "Cannot figure out how to convert Cursor..." error. Additionally I am using @Embedded(prefix = "foo_") & @Embedded(prefix = "bar_")
    – musooff
    Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 8:48
  • @musooff The second solution only works for me when there is no prefix value set on the @Embeddeds. To workaround duplicate column names I had to use @ColumnInfo(name = ...) for each class field on each table.
    – N1hk
    Commented Sep 30, 2019 at 2:35
  • 1
    this link helped developer.android.com/training/data-storage/room/…
    – Clocker
    Commented Dec 21, 2019 at 16:41

Another option is to just write a new POJO representing the resulting structure of your JOIN query (which even supports column renaming to avoid clashes):

public interface FooBarDao {
   @Query("SELECT foo.field1 AS unique1, bar.field1 AS unique2 "
          + "FROM Foo INNER JOIN Bar ON Foo.bar = Bar.id")
   public List<FooBar> getFooBars();

   static class FooBar {
       public String unique1;
       public String unique2;

See: room/accessing-data.html#query-multiple-tables

  • 2
    This works when fields have same names, just need to have an alias for them.
    – live-love
    Commented Mar 7, 2018 at 18:51

Try this way. For example, I have M2M (many-to-many) relations between Product and Attribute. Many Products have many Attributes and I need to get all Attributes by Product.id with sorted records by PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES.DISPLAY_ORDERING.

|--------------|  |--------------|  |-----------------------|
|--------------|  |--------------|  |-----------------------|
| _ID:  Long   |  | _ID: Long    |  | _ID: Long             |
| NAME: Text   |  | NAME: Text   |  | _PRODUCT_ID: Long     |
|______________|  |______________|  | _ATTRIBUTE_ID: Long   |
                                    | DISPLAY_ORDERING: Int |

So, models will be like below:

    tableName = "PRODUCTS",
    indices = [
        Index(value = arrayOf("NAME"), unique = true)
class Product {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    @ColumnInfo(name = "_ID")
    var _id: Long = 0

    @ColumnInfo(name = "NAME")
    @SerializedName(value = "NAME")
    var name: String = String()


    tableName = "ATTRIBUTES",
    indices = [
        Index(value = arrayOf("NAME"), unique = true)
class Attribute {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    @ColumnInfo(name = "_ID")
    var _id: Long = 0

    @ColumnInfo(name = "NAME")
    @SerializedName(value = "NAME")
    var name: String = String()


And the "join" table will be:

    tableName = "PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES",
    indices = [
        Index(value = ["_PRODUCT_ID", "_ATTRIBUTE_ID"])
    foreignKeys = [
        ForeignKey(entity = Product::class, parentColumns = ["_ID"], childColumns = ["_PRODUCT_ID"]),
        ForeignKey(entity = Attribute::class, parentColumns = ["_ID"], childColumns = ["_ATTRIBUTE_ID"])
class ProductAttribute {

    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    @ColumnInfo(name = "_ID")
    var _id: Long = 0

    @ColumnInfo(name = "_PRODUCT_ID")
    var _productId: Long = 0

    @ColumnInfo(name = "_ATTRIBUTE_ID")
    var _attributeId: Long = 0

    @ColumnInfo(name = "DISPLAY_ORDERING")
    var displayOrdering: Int = 0


In, AttributeDAO, to get all attributes based on Product._ID, you can do something like below:

interface AttributeDAO {

    fun getAttributesByProductId(productId: Long): LiveData<List<Attribute>>


If you have any questions, please tell me.

  • This query is quite may result in freezing the app when data in both tables crosses 1000. Will you suggest me how to avoid freezing the app when query grows and return result grows @dphans Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 10:16
  • 1
    @SureshMaidaragi Use with paging library. Now change return query from LiveData<List<Attribute>> into DataSource.Factory<Int, Attribute>. Otherway, use LIMIT page size from query.
    – dphans
    Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 7:25
  • Why do you use @SerializedName?
    – CoolMind
    Commented May 19, 2020 at 9:41
  • I do have a question about ManyToMany and RoomDB: this one
    – SebasSBM
    Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 4:22
  • @CoolMind sorry that annotation is no need (@SerializedName) :D
    – dphans
    Commented Dec 29, 2021 at 6:36

Is it possible to force a return type like this?

You can try @Embedded annotations on foo and bar. That will tell Room to try to take the columns from your query and pour them into foo and bar instances. I have only tried this with entities, but the docs indicate that it should work with POJOs as well.

However, this may not work well if your two tables have columns with the same name.

  • Yeah, that doesn't work since my entities have columns with the same name (like id)...
    – pqvst
    Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 15:08
  • 2
    @pqvst: "how should I cleanly construct a compatible return type that includes all fields for both entities?" -- either pick foo or bar to be @Embedded and put the remaining fields directly in FooAndBar, or put all fields directly in FooAndBar. Use AS in the SQL to rename duplicate columns in the result set, and use @ColumnInfo as needed to map those AS-renamed columns into what you want the fields to be. Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 15:11
  • That's exactly what I want to avoid having to do... Doesn't feel very "clean" to me :/
    – pqvst
    Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 15:14
  • 1
    @pqvst: As it stands, your query should result in either a SQLite error about duplicate columns in the output, or at best the Cursor that SQLiteDatabase creates under the covers will not have both id columns (and any other duplicated columns). You need all the columns in a SQL query to have distinct names in the result set, otherwise the Cursor will not have all the data. Once you fix that, adjust the Foo and Bar entities to match and use the @Embedded solution. Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 15:24
  • 1
    @pqvst: "Doesn't feel very "clean" to me" -- then get rid of the JOIN and make two DAO calls, one to get the Foo, the other to get the associated Bar. The express intention with Room is that arbitrary queries result in arbitrary POJOs for the output, much as how you need appropriate POJOs for Retrofit calls. Entities are there mostly for plain CRUD. Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 15:26

This is my Food Table

@Entity(tableName = "_food_table")
data class Food(@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = false)
            @ColumnInfo(name = "_food_id")
            var id: Int = 0,
            @ColumnInfo(name = "_name")
            var name: String? = "")

This is my Cart table and model class (Food Cart)

@Entity(tableName = "_client_cart_table")
data class CartItem(
                @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = false)
                @ColumnInfo(name = "_food_id")
                var foodId: Int? = 0,
                @Embedded(prefix = "_food")
                var food: Food? = null,
                @ColumnInfo(name = "_branch_id")
                var branchId: Int = 0)

Note: Here we see _food_id column in two table. It will throw compile time error. From @Embedded doc, you have to use prefix to differentiate between them.

Inside dao

@Query("select * from _client_cart_table inner join _food_table on _client_cart_table._food_id = _food_table._food_id where _client_cart_table._branch_id = :branchId")
fun getCarts(branchId: Int) : LiveData<List<CartItem>>

This query will return data like this

CartItem(foodId=5, food=Food(id=5, name=Black Coffee), branchId=1)

I have done this in my project. So Give it a try. Happy coding

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