I'm not sure what the difference between an IntArray and an Array<Int> is in Kotlin and why I can't used them interchangeably:


I know that IntArray translates to int[] when targeting the JVM, but what does Array<Int> translate to?

Also, you can also have String[] or YourObject[]. Why Kotlin has classes of the type {primitive}Array when pretty much anything can be arranged into an array, not only primitives.


3 Answers 3


Array<Int> is an Integer[] under the hood, while IntArray is an int[]. That's it.

This means that when you put an Int in an Array<Int>, it will always be boxed (specifically, with an Integer.valueOf() call). In the case of IntArray, no boxing will occur, because it translates to a Java primitive array.

Other than the possible performance implications of the above, there's also convenience to consider. Primitive arrays can be left uninitialized and they will have default 0 values at all indexes. This is why IntArray and the rest of the primitive arrays have constructors that only take a size parameter:

val arr = IntArray(10)
println(arr.joinToString()) // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

In contrast, Array<T> doesn't have a constructor that only takes a size parameter: it needs valid, non-null T instances at all indexes to be in a valid state after creation. For Number types, this could be a default 0, but there's no way to create default instances of an arbitrary type T.

So when creating an Array<Int>, you can either use the constructor that takes an initializer function as well:

val arr = Array<Int>(10) { index -> 0 }  // full, verbose syntax
val arr = Array(10) { 0 }                // concise version

Or create an Array<Int?> to avoid having to initialize every value, but then you'll be later forced to deal with possible null values every time you read from the array.

val arr = arrayOfNulls<Int>(10)
  • 6
    This is quite stupid decision. Because of this, they had to create a new class for each primitive type... They could just use the same as on Java. Commented Nov 23, 2017 at 7:51
  • 4
    @androiddeveloper What new class? int[] is IntArray, Integer[] is Array<Int>, and so on, where's this mysterious new class? It's the same thing only syntax is different. int[] is also class, by the way. Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 16:13
  • 3
    @EugenPechanec This is interesting. They say it's a class and that it has an instance, but also " instances of this class are represented as int[]" : kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-int-array/… . So, are those functions just extension functions, or are they of a real class? And why was it needed to have "IntArray", and others ? Could still just be done using Java syntax. Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 20:25
  • 1
    @EugenPechanec But in Java, int[] is not a class, no? It's an object, an array of primitives. You can't reach is code, or extend from it. No? All classes on Java have an uppercase letter at their name. Here it's not. Commented Jan 18, 2018 at 7:47
  • 1
    @EugenPechanec So on Kotlin it's a class, while on Java it's not. Still don't get why though. They could just add extension functions, no? You can perhaps extend from IntArray? About the naming, I know. It's just the convention, and a good one too. Commented Jan 18, 2018 at 12:11

It is worth noting that using the spread (*) operator on a vararg will return an IntArray. If you need an Array<Int>, you can convert your IntArray using .toTypedArray().


Arrays in Kotlin are classes (not "special" types like Java).

Kotlin's stdlib provides special purpose classes for JVM primitive arrays in order to improve Java language integration and performance.

The rule of thumb would be to use Array<T> except if it cause a problem when mixing with existing Java code, or should be called from Java classes. For the record, I never had to use IntArray.

You can check the Language's documentation regarding this matter here: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/basic-types.html#arrays

  • I believe you are right about always favouring Array<T> over IntArray, I was worried about the boxing/unboxing overhead of using the boxed type vs primitive, but it seems that Kotlin is smart enough to decide weather it can use a primitive or not. (Correct me if I'm wrong) "On the Java platform, numbers are physically stored as JVM primitive types, unless we need a nullable number reference (e.g. Int?) or generics are involved. In the latter cases numbers are boxed." From kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/basic-types.html
    – frankelot
    Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 0:02
  • 1
    @feresr not an expert by any means, but I think that is only referring to the implementations of Int, Float, etc, given that Kotlin doesn't have a different type for Boolean or boolean. In terms of arrays, I would assume that Array<Int> would differ from IntArray. I've personally always used the latter since it's never bothered me, but maybe Kotlin has additional optimization that I'm not aware of. If you're programming solely in kotlin, I don't see any case where you need one over the other, but the primitive array may still have its benefits.
    – Allan W
    Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 1:04
  • 2
    @feresr to me, Kotlin's docs explicitly states that the special array instances are there to avoid the boxing overhead. My takeaway is that the two are likely different, and in the end to the developer it becomes the same as deciding whether you want to use Integer[] or int[] in Java.
    – Allan W
    Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 3:06
  • 1
    I agree, then the accepted answer can be a tad misleading to newcomers, I'm unmarking this as the accepted answer for this reason.
    – frankelot
    Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 3:30
  • 1
    @AllanW One case in which you are forced to use IntArray is when you are using JNI. Passing j<Type>Array (jintArray, jdoubleArray, etc) to and from Java requires handling an array of primitive values in the Java side, thus the use of IntArray is unavoidable and is the only way of doing this. An Array<Type> is seen on the native side as an jobject. Commented Jan 15, 2019 at 19:03

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