I have imported spring boot project generated from spring boot initialiazr website and the project spring boot packages are not found.
Please seee the image below
Please help
I tried this and it worked, "Right click on the pom.xml file", and select "Add as maven project"
It should resolve or reimport all the dependencies, and it should work.
tags in our pom.xml and it correctly imported after
Feb 26, 2021 at 20:12
You need to download libraries so right click project, go to "Maven" option in menu then click "ReImport" or "Download Sources and Documentation" option in sub menu. It will download libraries.
My problem is fixed. It was my proxy settings problem. I made right clic on IntelliJ=>Maven=>Open Settings.xml
I update settings xml file by adding
I downloaded a simple project from Spring IO . But Intellij Idea could not import it properly. Somethings were wrong. It had been seem like it could not understand it is maven project. I changed Maven home path from "Use maven wrapper" to "Bundled" in File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven
. And it re-initiate the project and it downloaded the dependencies. screenshot of settings
You need to download all of the spring-boot dependencies, and because I see pom.xml
in your project I assume you're using Maven as build tools. In order to download the dependencies you can execute command mvn clean install
on your command line.
I'm sorry I'm not very familiar with Intellij, but you can also execute Maven command in Intellij you can check the documentation
I had the same issue and the following worked for me
I realize this is an old question, but just in case it helps someone else:
If you have more than one Java sdk installed you need to specify the java version you want to use before you can rebuild.
In IntelliJ Idea: File --> Project Structure --> Project Select your Project SDK, then rebuild the project
that worked for me...
I used this way: I created 2 folders in documents for exemple : MyProject -> Project ... before opening your folder you should choose "Project" as I write. The problem is choosing wrong main folder
I recently faced this issue after use IntelliJ IDED after few months.
When import project with existing source files or new which download from spring initializr, we should click open project. Should not use new project.
Hardly I wasted 1 day time to display hello world text using spring boot rest get api call.
For Spring Initializer Project,