Given a date, how do I find the nearest Monday in Rails?

I know I can do things like:

Date.tomorrow Date.today

Is there something like Date.nearest :monday ?

  • 2
    do you need to go in both directions? i.e. if it is tuesday, go to yesterday but if it is friday go to the next monday?
    – zsalzbank
    Dec 23, 2010 at 1:22

5 Answers 5


The commercial method on the Date object will let you do this. This example will get you the next Monday.

Date.commercial(Date.today.year, 1+Date.today.cweek, 1)

If you need the next or previous Monday, whichever is closest, you can do:

Date.commercial(Date.today.year, Date.today.cwday.modulo(4)+Date.today.cweek, 1)

I can't execute this right now, so forgive me if there are syntax errors.

  • .divmod(4) returns an array. You could use .divmod(4)[1] or .modulo(4) instead ;D
    – PeterWong
    Dec 23, 2010 at 2:33
  • @PeterWong thanks for pointing that out. It's been corrected. Dec 23, 2010 at 2:34
  • Thanks! Sorry for the long delay in response, holiday! :-)
    – Chanpory
    Jan 18, 2011 at 6:53

It's a little bit tricky, but not so hard to calculate.

Use ActiveSupport::DateAndTimeCalculations#end_of_week to calculate end of a week, this method accepts a start_day parameter that is used to indicate start day of the week (it's :monday by default). They even have implemented sunday method.

The trick is the following: if you want to calculate closest Monday, you may calculate it as a end of the week which starts on Tuesday (Tue => 1st day, Wed => 2nd day, ..., Mon => 7th day which is also end of the week).

So all you need to do is:

# it will return current date if today is Monday and nearest Monday otherwise
  • 1
    This answer along with use of this article, was the best approach for me
    – Aleks
    Dec 1, 2017 at 14:20

I know this is an old thread but it's always nice to keep it current for future seekers.

Let's assume today is say Friday the 19th of August. All I do to get my nearest Monday is this:

monday = Date.today.monday

Then from there you can go back a week or forward a week like this:

last_monday = monday.last_week
next_monday = monday.next_week

Assuming you want both directions: Date.today.beginning_of_week + 7*(Date.today.wday/5)


Untested, so you might need to finetune, but here you go:

def Date.nearest_monday
  today = Date.today
  wday  = today.wday
  if wday > 4 # over the half of the week
    today + (7 - wday) # next monday
    today - (1 + wday) # previous monday

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