Suppose I have an std::unordered_set<int> named as myset and I want to return a random number from myset in O(1) time. I first use rand() to generate a random number as:

int n = rand() %  myset.size();

Then, I do:

myset.begin() + n;

I would like to know if myset.begin() + n is in O(n) or O(1)?


  • stackoverflow.com/a/31113618/493106 states that, at least in GCC, it maintains a linked list across the entries, so it would be O(n) - though as ash said, not sure you can anctually use operator+ on the iterator.
    – xaxxon
    Jul 30, 2017 at 2:45

1 Answer 1


The std::unordered_set<>::iterator (which results from myset.begin()) is a Constant ForwardIterator. Ref

A ForwardIterator supports incrementation (++myIterator) but not random incrementation, unlike the RandomAccessIterator.

Therefore myset.begin() + n is not guaranteed to compile by the standard. It doesn't compile here.

You can do the ++ incrementation n times with a loop, but then of course, complexity is at least O(n).

  • 1
    To add to your answer, std::next would be the right choice to get an iterator as required by the statement myset.begin() + n i.e. std::next( myset.begin(), n ). Example: ideone.com/so0XEH.
    – Azeem
    Jul 30, 2017 at 4:02
  • 1
    @Azeem good addition thanks. std:next takes a ForwardIterator so its internal implementation is likely a similar loop when such iterator that does not support random access. Should be the case for unordered_set in most implementations, but exceptions are theoretically possible.
    – A.S.H
    Jul 30, 2017 at 4:23

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