
I have this code:

   void openPicker(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        if (sender != null)
            var a = sender;
            Picker pkr = sender == ati ? atiPicker : ptiPicker;

The code works good but I need to be able to assign pkr to one of:

atiPicker, ptiPiker, noaPicker prtPicker cfsPicker coPicker 

based on the sender being one of

ati, pti, not, prt, cfs or co

I think I could do it with many if statements but is there some way that would be better to do this?

  • 2
    Use a Dictionary.
    – mjwills
    Aug 3, 2017 at 13:18
  • Use a Dictionary and switch on ati, pti, not, prt, cfs or co (Expanding on @mjwills)
    – Ubernator
    Aug 3, 2017 at 13:19
  • Can you show and example. Thanks
    – Alan2
    Aug 3, 2017 at 13:22
  • What is ati? Be aware that depending on that type your == may check for reference-equality, making two instances of a class unequal even if all their properties are equal. Aug 3, 2017 at 13:33

3 Answers 3

void openPicker(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     if (sender != null)
         var a = sender;
         Picker pkr = sender == ati ? atiPicker : ptiPicker;

could be changed to:

Dictionary<object, Picker> bob = new Dictionary<object, Picker>() { { ati, atiPicker}, { pti, ptiPicker }};

void openPicker(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     if (sender != null)          
         var a = sender;
         Picker pkr = bob[sender];

The Dictionary allows you to codify the if statements into a hash lookup instead.


Try a switch statement

Picker pkr = new Picker();

    case ati:
        pkr = atiPicker;
    case pti:
        pkr = ptiPicker;
    case noa:
        pkr = noaPicker;
    case prt:
        pkr = prtPicker;
    case cfs:
        pkr = cfsPicker;
    case co:
        pkr = coPicker;


As mentioned in the comments you may use a Dictionary<Type, Func<Picker>>:

var map = new Dictionary<Type, Func<Picker>> { 
    { typeof(ati) }, () => new ATI_Kicker() }, 
    { /* other types */ }}

Now you can easily create instances by accessing the value for a given type of sender:

var picker = map[sender.GetType()]();

However this allways returns a new instance of the type attached to any of your sender-types every time you query the value for a given key in that map.

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