I'm trying out Brackets code editor, and so far I like it, but the vanilla experience is quite lacking. So I searched some usefull Extensions, and unfortunatelly i'm seing an black space to the right, and i don't know which Extension is causing it, please see print screen below. Has anyone ran into this problem? if yes do you know which Extension is causing it and how can I solve the problem? Blank space to the right

Just something extra: i'm using Brackets for the live preview, and quick edit features. If you guys know a free editor that does that better please let me know.

  • This is not a programming related question...try deactivation and or restarting - extension by extension. And figure it out by yourself. Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 12:28
  • You guys have more experience, and I was hoping someone else ran into this before. Anyway, it was the Outline List extension, in case anyone else runs into this issue. Commented Aug 9, 2017 at 7:36

3 Answers 3


Experiencing the same issue, I also concluded that it the Outline List Extension that was causing the extra black space.

However, after updating to current version..

Release 1.13 build 1.13.0-17696 (release 49d29a8bc) 

Extra space issue appears to be resolved.


It was the Outline List extension, i removed it and it's looking fine right now. Gotta say, the Live Preview in Brackets is awsome, especially because it works on any browser.


By disabling brackets ouline List extension.this problem is solved..

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