Is there any Collation type in MySQL which supports Case Sensitive. I had all type of collation in MySQL they all have _ci at the end of their name so they are case Insensitive collation.

3 Answers 3


According to MySQL Manual http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-mysql.html you should be able to set collation to _cs for case sensitivity. You can get a list of _cs collations by executing SHOW COLLATION WHERE COLLATION LIKE "%_cs" query

After a little research:

Apparently there are no utf8_*_cs in MySQL (yet). If you need case sensitive collation for utf8 fields, you should use utf8_bin. This will mess up ORDER BY, but this can be fixed by ORDER BY column COLLATE utf8_general_ci

Source: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?103,19380,200971#msg-200971 and http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?103,156527,198794#msg-198794

  • 1
    utf8mb4_bin exists, too, since it's 2019 now :-) Aug 10, 2019 at 10:12
  • To convert utf8 value to charset latin1 and then use latin1_general_cs for like-comparison use: select ... convert(cast(convert(myfield using utf8) as binary) using latin1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs like '...'
    – jfx
    Jan 12, 2023 at 10:27

Try a collation ending in _bin, such as latin1_bin or utf8_bin, depending on your character set.

  • Thanks Neil IT works when i set user column to utf8_bin it retrives only the data which is specified in query though i have the data with same word i mean Keyur,keyur,KEYUR. any way thanks............. Dec 29, 2010 at 23:33

The new version of MySQL (8.0.1 and higher) comes (finally) with a set of utf8mb4_*_0900_as_cs collations.

More about it here

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