The code below when run in jupyter notebook renders a table with a colour gradient format that I would like to export to an image file.
The resulting 'styled_table' object that notebook renders is a type.
I have not been able to find a way to export the Styler to an image.
I hope someone can share a working example of an export, or give me some pointers.
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
data = {('count', 's25'):
{('2017-08-11', 'Friday'): 88.0,
('2017-08-12', 'Saturday'): 90.0,
('2017-08-13', 'Sunday'): 93.0},
('count', 's67'):
{('2017-08-11', 'Friday'): 404.0,
('2017-08-12', 'Saturday'): 413.0,
('2017-08-13', 'Sunday'): 422.0},
('count', 's74'):
{('2017-08-11', 'Friday'): 203.0,
('2017-08-12', 'Saturday'): 227.0,
('2017-08-13', 'Sunday'): 265.0},
('count', 's79'):
{('2017-08-11', 'Friday'): 53.0,
('2017-08-12', 'Saturday'): 53.0,
('2017-08-13', 'Sunday'): 53.0}}
table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
table.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True)
cm = sns.light_palette("seagreen", as_cmap=True)
styled_table =