sample excel sheetI have a text file that has some data such as


I want to covert this into an excel sheet using bash/perl The desired output is something like this

header1    header2
aaaa        1.0
bbbb        1.1
cccc        1.3

what i have tried so far is

(echo "header1;header2" ; cat a.txt) | sed 's/:/\t/g' > a.csv

but this does not seem to work. also i want to export this text file into an excel sheet.


1 Answer 1

$ echo -e "header1\theader2"; cat file | tr : '\t'    # > file.csv
header1 header2
aaaa    1.0
bbbb    1.1
cccc    1.3


$ cat <(echo  "header1:header2") file | tr : '\t'     # > file.csv
header1 header2
aaaa    1.0
bbbb    1.1
cccc    1.3

Uncomment the > file.csv to actually write to a file.

  • thanks, that works .i want to export this into a excel sheet.how can i do that?
    – noob_coder
    Aug 14, 2017 at 6:10
  • Just like you did in your question. Just redirect the output with > to a file. Aug 14, 2017 at 6:12
  • i just edited the question with a sample excel sheet with proper formatting that i need..is something like this possible?
    – noob_coder
    Aug 14, 2017 at 6:18
  • What is the difference? One empty line after the header? Add a \n to the echopart: echo -e "header1\theader2\n" ... Aug 14, 2017 at 6:56

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