this question might be obvious but i'm new in css.

I'm animating a shape so when you hover it, it stretches. I've completed the hover on with a nice ease transition but when you move off the mouse the transition doesn't work. Is there a way to make it happen also in the hover off moment?

position: absolute;

.shape1:hover {
height: 160px;
transition: 0.2s ease;

3 Answers 3


Your answer

You have added the transition property on the hover state of the element. Therefore the transition is not applied when you leave the cursor from the element.

    position: absolute;
    background: red;
    top: 512px;
    width: 180px;
    height: 140px;
    transition: .2s ease; /* move this here from :hover */

Further information

Besides this you can also add specific properties to the transition. For example, if you only want the height to be animated you could it like this:

.shape1 {
    transition: height .2s ease;
    /* this inly affects height, nothing else */

You can even define different transition-times for each property:

.shape1 {
    transition: height .2s ease, background-color .5s linear;
    /* stacking transitions is easy */

Add the transition before the :hover, so the transition always applies

.shape1 { transition: 0.2s ease; }

The :hover selector is used to select elements when you mouse over them. W3Schools


When you add also transition to your shape1 class it should works

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