The idea of REpresentational State Transfer is not about accessing data in the simplest way possible.
You suggested using post requests to access JSON, which is a perfectly valid way to access/manipulate data.
REST is a methodology for meaningful access of data. When you see a request in REST, it should immediately be apparant what is happening with the data.
For example:
GET: /cars/make/chevrolet
is likely going to return a list of chevy cars. A good REST api might even incorporate some output options in the querystring like ?output=json
or ?output=html
which would allow the accessor to decide what format the information should be encoded in.
After a bit of thinking about how to reasonably incorporate data typing into a REST API, I've concluded that the best way to specify the type of data explicitly would be via the already existing file extension such as .js
, .json
, .html
, or .xml
. A missing file extension would default to whatever format is default (such as JSON); a file extension that's not supported could return a 501 Not Implemented
status code.
Another example:
POST: /cars/
{ make:chevrolet, model:malibu, colors:[red, green, blue, grey] }
is likely going to create a new chevy malibu in the db with the associated colors. I say likely as the REST api does not need to be directly related to the database structure. It is just a masking interface so that the true data is protected (think of it like accessors and mutators for a database structure).
Now we need to move onto the issue of idempotence. Usually REST implements CRUD over HTTP. HTTP uses GET
for the requests.
A very simplistic implementation of REST could use the following CRUD mapping:
Create -> Post
Read -> Get
Update -> Put
Delete -> Delete
There is an issue with this implementation: Post is defined as a non-idempotent method. This means that subsequent calls of the same Post method will result in different server states. Get, Put, and Delete, are idempotent; which means that calling them multiple times should result in an identical server state.
This means that a request such as:
Delete: /cars/oldest
could actually be implemented as:
Post: /cars/oldest?action=delete
Delete: /cars/id/123456
will result in the same server state if you call it once, or if you call it 1000 times.
A better way of handling the removal of the oldest
item would be to request:
Get: /cars/oldest
and use the ID
from the resulting data to make a delete
Delete: /cars/id/[oldest id]
An issue with this method would be if another /cars
item was added between when /oldest
was requested and when the delete
was issued.