I am trying to use an ng-repeat inside a Semantic UI accordion. However, once I included ng-repeat inside the div tag with the accordion class, the accordion doesn't open nor close anymore. Clicking it doesn't do anything.

The accordion works properly here:

<div class="ui styled accordion">
    <div class="title"> 
        <i class="dropdown icon"></i> Filename 
    <div class="content">
        <a>File Link</a>

The accordion breaks once I include ng-repeat:

<div ng-repeat="file in files" class="ui styled accordion">
    <div class="title"> 
        <i class="dropdown icon"></i> Filename 
    <div class="content">
        <a>File Link</a>

I need to include the ng-repeat inside the accordion, and I need the accordion to do what it's supposed to do. Any help will be very much appreciated. Thank you!

  • Have you tried <div class="ui styled accordion"><div ng-repeat="file in files" ><div class="title"> Aug 18, 2017 at 17:28
  • 1
    ooh, that did the trick. Thank you! @JonathanAnctil
    – limciana
    Aug 18, 2017 at 17:32

1 Answer 1

<div class="ui styled accordion">
    <div ng-repeat="file in files">
        <div class="title"> 

ng-repeat and semantic ui needs to be separated

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