While the selected answer works, it is unfortunately asymptotically slow for your use case. Instead of doing this, you could use something called Alias Sampling. Alias sampling (or alias method) is a technique used for selection of elements with a weighted distribution. If the weights of choosing those elements doesn't change you can do selection in O(1) time!. If this isn't the case, you can still get amortized O(1) time if the ratio between the number of selections you make and the changes you make to the alias table (changing the weights) is high. The current selected answer suggests an O(N) algorithm, the next best thing is O(log(N)) given sorted probabilities and binary search, but nothing is going to beat the O(1) time I suggested.
This site provides a good overview of Alias method that is mostly language agnostic. Essentially you create a table where each entry represents the outcome of two probabilities. There is a single threshold for each entry at the table, below the threshold you get one value, above you get another value. You spread larger probabilities across multiple table values in order to create a probability graph with an area of one for all probabilities combined.
Say you have the probabilities A, B, C, and D, which have the values 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 and 0.7 respectively. Alias method would spread the probability of 0.7 to all the others. One index would correspond to each probability, where you would have the 0.1 and 0.15 for ABC, and 0.25 for D's index. With this you normalize each probability so that you end up with 0.4 chance of getting A and 0.6 chance of getting D in A's index (0.1/(0.1 + 0.15) and 0.15/(0.1 + 0.15) respecively) as well as B and C's index, and 100% chance of getting D in D's index (0.25/0.25 is 1).
Given an unbiased uniform PRNG (Math.Random()) for indexing, you get an equal probability of choosing each index, but you also do a coin flip per index which provides the weighted probability. You have a 25% chance of landing on the A or D slot, but within that you only have a 40% chance of picking A, and 60% of D. .40 * .25 = 0.1, our original probability, and if you add up all of D's probabilities strewn through out the other indices, you would get .70 again.
So to do random selection, you need only to generate a random index from 0 to N, then do a coin flip, no matter how many items you add, this is very fast and constant cost. Making an alias table doesn't take that many lines of code either, my python version takes 80 lines including import statements and line breaks, and the version presented in the Pandas article is similarly sized (and it's C++)
For your java implementation one could map between probabilities and array list indices to your functions you must execute, creating an array of functions which are executed as you index to each, alternatively you could use function objects (functors) which have a method that you use to pass parameters in to execute.
ArrayList<(YourFunctionObject)> function_list;
// add functions
AliasSampler aliassampler = new AliasSampler(listOfProbabilities);
// somewhere later with some type T and some parameter values.
int index = aliassampler.sampleIndex();
T result = function_list[index].apply(parameters);
I've created a version in java of the AliasSampler method, using classes, this uses the sample index method and should be able to be used like above.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
public class AliasSampler {
private ArrayList<Double> binaryProbabilityArray;
private ArrayList<Integer> aliasIndexList;
AliasSampler(ArrayList<Double> probabilities){
// java 8 needed here
assert(DoubleStream.of(probabilities).sum() == 1.0);
int n = probabilities.size();
// probabilityArray is the list of probabilities, this is the incoming probabilities scaled
// by the number of probabilities. This allows us to figure out which probabilities need to be spread
// to others since they are too large, ie [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7] = [0.4 0.4 0.4 2.80]
ArrayList<Double> probabilityArray;
for(Double probability : probabilities){
binaryProbabilityArray = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(n, 0.0));
aliasIndexList = new ArrayList<Integer>(Collections.nCopies(n, 0));
ArrayList<Integer> lessThanOneIndexList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> greaterThanOneIndexList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int index = 0; index < probabilityArray.size(); index++){
double probability = probabilityArray.get(index);
if(probability < 1.0){
// while we still have indices to check for in each list, we attempt to spread the probability of those larger
// what this ends up doing in our first example is taking greater than one elements (2.80) and removing 0.6,
// and spreading it to different indices, so (((2.80 - 0.6) - 0.6) - 0.6) will equal 1.0, and the rest will
// be 0.4 + 0.6 = 1.0 as well.
while(lessThanOneIndexList.size() != 0 && greaterThanOneIndexList.size() != 0){
// last element removal is equivalent to pop, java does this in constant time
int lessThanOneIndex = lessThanOneIndexList.remove(lessThanOneIndexList.size() - 1);
int greaterThanOneIndex = greaterThanOneIndexList.remove(greaterThanOneIndexList.size() - 1);
double probabilityLessThanOne = probabilityArray.get(lessThanOneIndex);
binaryProbabilityArray.set(lessThanOneIndex, probabilityLessThanOne);
aliasIndexList.set(lessThanOneIndex, greaterThanOneIndex);
probabilityArray.set(greaterThanOneIndex, probabilityArray.get(greaterThanOneIndex) + probabilityLessThanOne - 1);
if(probabilityArray.get(greaterThanOneIndex) < 1){
//if there are any probabilities left in either index list, they can't be spread across the other
//indicies, so they are set with probability 1.0. They still have the probabilities they should at this step, it works out mathematically.
while(greaterThanOneIndexList.size() != 0){
int greaterThanOneIndex = greaterThanOneIndexList.remove(greaterThanOneIndexList.size() - 1);
binaryProbabilityArray.set(greaterThanOneIndex, 1.0);
while(lessThanOneIndexList.size() != 0){
int lessThanOneIndex = lessThanOneIndexList.remove(lessThanOneIndexList.size() - 1);
binaryProbabilityArray.set(lessThanOneIndex, 1.0);
public int sampleIndex(){
int index = new Random().nextInt(binaryProbabilityArray.size());
double r = Math.random();
if( r < binaryProbabilityArray.get(index)){
return index;
return aliasIndexList.get(index);
give 11 possible values, and your "60%" is really 70%, making the total 110%.60percent100percentMethod()