I was trawling through some of the IL of one of my assemblies (via ILDasm) and I noticed that all of my methods begin with a nop instruction.

Does anyone know why that is?

1 Answer 1


The assembly was compiled in debug mode. Nop instructions do not do anything (i.e have no side effects), but act as a convenient instruction to place a breakpoint.


If you need a place for an additional breakpoint for debugging purposes, you can force the inclusion of a Nop in a Debug build by adding a pair of empty braces, e.g.

_grid.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown += (sender, e) =>
    _isRightMouseDown = true;

    RowColumnIndex cell = _grid.PointToCellRowColumnIndex(e);
    {} //<------ Adding a Nop allows a breakpoint here.
  • 6
    @YellPika Yes they do. They waste cycles doing nothing. They are one of the things that make debug builds slower.
    – Tim Lloyd
    Commented Jan 4, 2011 at 3:30
  • 1
    The JIT compiler should optimize them out of the native instruction flow though.
    – devstuff
    Commented Jan 5, 2011 at 7:28
  • 1
    @devstuff I am talking about Debug builds - they are not optimized out. I would not have added it as a tip if that was the case.
    – Tim Lloyd
    Commented Jan 5, 2011 at 7:30

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